2 Keys To Emotionally Connect With Others

2 keys to emotionally connect with others

Interpersonal relationships have the power to enrich our life experience. Getting along well with others, feeling valued, managing to maintain special relationships… All of these situations are part of what gives meaning to our existence. On the other hand, we are unfortunately not born knowing how to do it. For this reason, in this article you will find some strategies for connecting emotionally with others.

The act of caring relationships that bind us to our be-loved is a skill that must be driven, learned. Contrary to what we may seem at first, we can all become charismatic people. For that, if you have the opinion of improving yourself in this area of ​​your life, keep reading: this article is for you.

1. Practice active listening

One of the keys to emotionally connecting with others is making them feel heard. Usually, when we are having a conversation, several distractors can test our attention as we slowly drift away from the conversation . We may also be too busy thinking about what to say next. Who has it not happened to?

active listening to connect emotionally

For that, the fact of paying your attention to the words of the other will allow you to take care of the bond which unites you. The key to achieving this goal is to focus on the present moment. Getting there can be difficult at times, but practicing disciplines such as mindfulness can help us tremendously. In addition to that, there are some actions that can help you achieve this:

  • Avoid judging the other person
  • Do not interrupt unless it is necessary. If you cut off the rhythm of a conversation, the other person will feel that what they are telling you is not of interest to you. Also, when you intervene, try to avoid having too long a speech.
  • Instead of giving advice, it is better to listen. Often when we give advice, we are projecting our beliefs onto another person.

2. Change your body language

Some studies claim that body language conveys up to 80% of the information we communicate. While this number is unverified, it is clear that dominating our non-verbal expression is one of the best strategies for connecting emotionally with others. 

Usually we are not aware of what we are doing with our body when we are participating in a conversation. Our attention is focused on what we say and forget about our body. However, if we give it a small portion of our attention, we will be able to apply the following principles.

Principles to apply when engaging in a conversation

  • Maintain a relaxed posture. If you are on, the other person will detect it and they will feel uncomfortable. His mirror neurons will send him a message of imminent danger and it will be very difficult for him to open up emotionally to you.
  • Adopt open body language. For the same reason, crossing your arms or turning your back on the other person shows that you are not comfortable with them. If you want to improve your connection, try positioning your body as if you were talking to your childhood friend.
  • Make adequate eye contact. The eyes are one of the most expressive parts of our body. Maintaining good eye contact can make the difference in making the other person feel connected to us. To achieve this, the trick is: look him in the eye when he speaks and 80% of the time when you answer him. For only 20% of your response you may look elsewhere.
  • Create a report. A very useful technique for creating an emotional connection with another person is to use rapport. It involves mimicking their body language in a subtle way. In this way, her brain will receive a message of safety and she will know that she can trust you.
the importance of body language to connect emotionally

These two keys to connecting emotionally with others can help you take the path to conversational mastery. However, there are many more that can be of use to you. Research, test techniques and you will eventually find the tools that will connect you best with the way you are.


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Being skilled and making connections will get you off to a good start in your relationship. Read this article, and you will discover different ways …

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