25 Sentences From The Wonderful Mario Benedetti

25 quotes from the wonderful Mario Benedetti

The ample and incredible work that Mario Benedetti bequeathed to us is a ladder to reach our dreams.

With his words, the Uruguayan writer takes us into a world of compassion and nostalgia that can only make us sigh. In this article, we share with you 25 spectacular phrases, a real pleasure for the senses:

1. Don’t tempt me, if we tempt ourselves, we can never forget each other again.

2. But, ultimately, what is We  ? For now, at least, it’s a kind of complicity with others, a shared secret, a unilateral pact. Of course, it is not an adventure or a program, nor – for nothing in the world – the beginning of a relationship. However, it is beyond friendship. The worst (or maybe the best?) Is that she is quite comfortable with this non-definition. She speaks to me with confidence, with humor, and I believe, with tenderness, even.

3. While we thought we had all the answers, suddenly all the questions changed.

4. The butterfly will always remember that it was once a small worm.

5. After all, death is only the symptom that there was of life.

6. In reason, only doubts which have the key can enter.

7. The new man must protect himself from two dangers : from the right when he is clever, from the left when he is sinister.

8. Don’t believe everything the world tells you (or even what I’m telling you), I have already told you that the world is unbridgeable.

9. Who would have said it, the weak actually never surrender.

10. There are few things as bewitching as silence.

11. I would like to watch everything from afar, but with you.

12. Don’t surrender, please don’t give in, though the cold burns you, though fear bites you, though the sun hides and the wind is silent, there is still fire in the heart of your soul, there is still life in your dreams. Because this life is yours, and your desire is also yours, because each day is a new beginning, because it is the hour and the best time, because you are not alone, because I love you !

13. I like people who vibrate, those that we do not need to push, those to whom we do not have to tell what to do but who know what they have. to do and who do it. People who cultivate their dreams until those dreams take hold of their own reality.

14. I like people who can understand that the greatest human error is to try to say with the head what does not come out of the heart.

15. We have resigned ourselves to the unique and happy moment. We prefer to lose it, to let it pass without only making the slightest effort to grab it. We would rather lose it all than admit that this is the only possibility and that this possibility lasts only a minute, not a long and impeccable existence.

16. I love, you love, he loves, we love, you love, they love. If only it wasn’t just conjugation but a reality.

17. Five minutes is enough to dream a lifetime, time is as relative as that.

18. I never thought that in happiness there is so much sadness.

19. What a good sleeplessness if I stay awake on your body.

20. My strategy is that one day, I don’t know how or with what pretext, you will end up needing me.

21. Glory is not in never falling, but rather in rising up whenever necessary.

22. Love is not a repetition. Each act of love is a cycle in itself, a closed orbit on its own ritual. This is, how could I explain it to you, a piece of life.

23. Perfection is a well-polished collection of errors.

24. If the heart is bored of loving, what use is it?

25. If everyone knew what they have as clearly as they know what they lack!

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