3 Exercises To Meditate At Home

Thinking of meditating but don’t know where to start? We offer you three simple exercises to do at home to get started.
3 exercises for meditating at home

Meditation is a thousand-year-old technique used to train the mind in order to reduce stress, anxiety and connect with your “me”. In fact, 30 minutes a day would be enough to reduce these states considerably. So, meditating at home doesn’t just decrease the discomfort: it helps you feel better than usual.

In addition, meditating at home offers many advantages. Among the latter, we can emphasize that it is easier to find a place away from distractions. It also helps us to feel better,  more secure, and in addition we can meditate at any time.

If you’ve never meditated before  , know that it can be a bit difficult to achieve your optimal state of focus and relaxation. However, by following a few simple points and practicing it frequently, meditation will become easier and easier.

Meditating at home has many benefits.

The first thing: create an atmosphere

Before preparing the environment to perform the meditation, one must decide whether to do the exercise in a free way, by following a few small standards or by being guided by an application or a video.

The applications are very useful: you can program the time you want to devote to meditation and the starting level. On the other hand, it will always be an easier method if it is a person who is just starting to meditate.

Once you have decided how you want to do it, you have to  take into account the following aspects  to get the most benefit from it:

  • Find a quiet place. It is essential to settle in a corner that is as quiet as possible, where the possibility of interruption will be less or no. If the activity is interrupted, the desired result may not be achieved
  • A comfortable position. The lotus position is the classic choice for meditating, but you can start with other postures, or even lying down. The bottom line is that no matter how you sit, there is no muscle tension. You just have to be able to forget your body
  • Avoid distractions. As we indicated previously, it is essential to avoid any source of distractions: turn off your phone, the television, close the bedroom door, avoid noise from outside … The climate must be peaceful in order to be able to concentrate on his bodily sensations
  • Finally,  find the right time. Even if meditation is done to achieve a state of relaxation, if we do it while being active or in a hurry, it will be very difficult for us to do it correctly and it will not have served any purpose. You must therefore choose a time when you feel quite well and when you have a little time in front of you to be able to benefit from the meditation.

Basic exercises for meditating at home

There are different techniques or different exercises of meditation. But some of them are easier to start and meditate on at home.

1. Breathing exercises

This is the most basic relaxation and meditation exercise, which involves working the breathing. Controlling this physiological mechanism  is fundamental to relaxing us, and while it may seem easy, it actually requires a lot of practice and concentration.

By forgetting about external stimuli, we will begin to take deep, calm breaths, paying attention to them and observing how our body relaxes more and more. If thoughts do appear, try not to pay attention to them and focus on your body.

This exercise, in addition to being very useful in itself, is a practice that must be carried out in the rest of the meditation. Therefore, it will serve as an initiation and will also be a basis for the rest.

2. Objective observation

If in the previous exercise we tried to avoid thoughts, in this exercise it is quite the opposite. Objective observation consists of relaxing the body and letting thoughts flow, in silence.

It will therefore be necessary  to concentrate on the thoughts, observing them and not trying to change or intervene. It will simply be a matter of paying attention to them without distracting us.

Ultimately,  it is about being the spectator of our thoughts and not being carried away by them. Think about it, without judging them, seeing them pass in front of us but without remaining clinging to one of them in particular.

3.  Body Scan

Another simple exercise for meditating at home is the  Body Scan. While doing this exercise, while we are in a comfortable position and  controlling our breathing, we need to mentally focus on different areas of our body  and the different sensations we feel.

For this, we must first try to clear our mind. Then  we have to think, in a localized way, about different muscle groups.

For example, we can start by connecting to our feet, feeling them, without judging and noting the sensations we have there. Then we can move on to the legs, note their weight, their heat, their shape… and so on with the rest of the body.

Why meditate at home?

Meditate at home: see progress

As with any exercise,  the key is to persist, be consistent, and be patient. At first, you probably won’t notice much progress. You might even be a little disappointed. However, it is very difficult to obtain short term benefits. For that, you have to give yourself time and try again, even if it did not work as we would have liked.

It is said that a habit is built in 21 days but, beyond this fact, it is necessary to build a new lifestyle, to  integrate this activity into the routine and to strive to find the right time and environment. This is especially the case when it comes to working on more emotional aspects, as with meditation; the progress is slow, but the growth is enormous.


Meditating is resting the mind to initiate a dialogue with the soul
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The benefits of meditation and all the benefits it offers to our mind and soul. Why not learn about it?

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