3 Ways To Harness The Power Of Your Mind

3 ways to harness the power of your mind

There are many beliefs we can hold in our world. But the most important, and the most ignored, is ourselves.  

Thanks to psychology, medicine and neuroscience, we know a little more about the secrets of the human mind every day.

Numerous studies have revealed the amount of energy in our mind. Figures that suggest that our brain has truly surprising powers.

In this article, we’ll go over some of these discoveries, and introduce you to some unusual exercises that you can easily perform at home.

Strengthen your muscles and strengthen your metabolism 

In a 2004 study in  Raganathan, USA, a group of people were subjected to listening to an audio document, which guided their minds in an attempt to make them believe they were realizing physical exercises.

Another group listened to a document that had absolutely nothing to do with exercise. Subsequent study of the muscle values ​​of the two groups revealed significant differences. People  who imagined themselves exercising had some muscle building.

Scientists believe that this mental process of imagining that you are exercising releases the same muscle-building hormones that are released during an actual exercise session.

What to take away from this study? Our mind is much more powerful than we imagine. Our brain is able to build muscle and strengthen its metabolism by just imagining doing this practice.

Turning a weakness into a strength

In a fascinating study, conducted in Wesnousky, USA, it was revealed that when people believe there is a positive side to a flaw in their personality, they begin to show it.

For example, a group of impulsive people have been taught that this defect has the advantage of developing creativity.

The tests which were carried out on these people showed that they  were more creative after these affirmations, than before realizing their supposed potential.

What to remember from all that ? We have to be very careful about what we think about ourselves, because our brain will use these thoughts as a basis for acting, as if it were a proven fact.

Drastically improve your performance just by imagining it 

Multiple studies have shown that, in various complex trades, professionals frequently imagining themselves performing a very complicated task, using realistic details, greatly improved their performance. 

Many professionals who must achieve goals under heavy pressure, but who use their minds to dominate things and hone their skills, fare better than others.

This is especially useful when they have to carry out their tasks, because the fact of  imagining themselves doing things even more difficult and dangerous, allows them to be better in their profession, without ever losing their concentration.

You can remember from this faculty of our mind that our imagination has the ability to significantly improve our ability to perform a complex task.

3 ways to use the power of your mind to change your life 

– Be in control of your mind:  Many people use the power of their mind against themselves. They think they will never change, and their minds adopt the same posture. I

It is essential to turn your back on this misconception that has lodged in your mind. You have control over your mind, so be in control of your thoughts.

– Decide what you want to change, and imagine it:  If you want to be more outgoing, imagine yourself laughing and chatting with a group of coworkers or socializing at a party. Repeat this exercise.

Then combine mental practice with actual practice, in everyday situations. Your progress will certainly be very rapid.

– Believe in yourself:  many people, yet very nice, feel unworthy of others, as invisible. Others imagine that they will never be loved, and that they are too anxious and desperate for that.

If these words remind you of anything, use the power of your mind now. Picture yourself in warm colors, full of confidence and strength. Visualize the person you would like to be.

Make this decision mindfully. Desire, imagine and create!

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