4 Keys To Recognizing If A Friendship Is Worth It

Friendship can enrich us a lot, but it can also seriously harm us if we do not know how to recognize when it becomes harmful. Those who are close to us don’t always do us good, and sometimes we have no choice but to move away.
4 keys to recognizing if a friendship is worth it

Have you ever wondered if a friendship is really good for you? What if you were too demanding with this friend or if the latter’s behavior was toxic? Accepting that the time has come to end a relationship isn’t always easy. This is why we are giving you some keys that will help you recognize if a friendship is worth it.

We are social beings by nature. Therefore, establishing and maintaining meaningful and deep connections, such as friendship, can be of immense benefit to us. However, not all friendships are good; some can seriously harm us. And it is not easy for us to recognize it. And even less to act accordingly.

We often have harmful friendships out of inertia, respect for shared years, or fear. We can then manage to justify certain harmful acts, in order to avoid having to end this friendship. The following avenues can help you clear your mind on this matter.

The keys to recognizing if a friendship is worth it

The keys to a worthy friendship.

Is it reciprocal?

Reciprocity is an essential element of any human relationship. When we emotionally bond with someone, it’s important to give and take on the same level. Or at least in similar proportions. If this does not happen, unbalanced relationships develop in which one seems to have power over the other.

So, if you’re the one person who invests their time, energy, and resources in the relationship, be careful. We all have jobs and it is not healthy to demand absolute availability from those around us. However, when someone repeatedly demonstrates that our friendship is not a priority, we need to rethink that bond.

Is he faithful?

People evolve and are part of diverse environments as our vital circumstances change. We can make new connections in many contexts. However, this does not imply that we should ignore those who were previously part of our lives.

In this regard, there are those who stop caring and cultivating a friendship when they find another more appropriate or beneficial. But when that other disappoints them or their situation changes, they come back to the abandoned friend. If you are the victim of this type of behavior from a friend, don’t be afraid to set limits for yourself.

Is he trustworthy?

Trust is the foundation of all friendship. It is the pillar on which privacy, confidentiality and mutual assistance are based.

When we find out that a friend is revealing our privacy to others, talking badly about us behind our backs, or lying to us, that trust is irreparably shattered. Does someone you cannot trust deserve to be in your life?

Is it healthy?

First and foremost, to recognize whether a friendship is worth it, we need to ask ourselves if the relationship is healthy. This implies, on the one hand, that the bond is free from manipulation, coercion and emotional blackmail. A good friendship wants you to be free, respect your time and decisions, and not try to manipulate you.

A healthy relationship is one that isn’t tainted with envy. The two members support and encourage each other towards the achievement of personal goals. If the other person is trying to sabotage you, downplaying your accomplishments, or trying to convince you that you are not capable of achieving your goals, it is best to distance yourself.

Recognize a friendship that is worthwhile.

What to do after recognizing if a friendship is worth it?

If you find that a friend of yours does not meet the previous points, take some time to think about it. It is important to assert yourself, to be able to dialogue with the other and to express what is happening. It is good to give that person the opportunity to change their behavior, as they may not have been aware of the damage they were causing.

However, if after expressing these attitudes nothing changes, we must prioritize our well-being and our mental and emotional health. We reflect the people we spend the most time with. We must therefore be careful with our selection.

It can be difficult to end a multi-year friendship, but we shouldn’t feel guilty about taking care of our space. Let’s keep this in mind.

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