5 Keys To Generate And Maintain A Positive Mental Attitude

5 keys to generating and maintaining a positive mental attitude

Did you know that the proverb “when one door closes another opens” is published in Miguel de Cervantes’ book  Don Quixote de la Mancha? You wonder what this is doing here, right? So, read on and you will find out: we are going to show you some of the  keys to having a positive mental attitude.

The proverb that opens this article may have been overused, so its meaning and force may seem a bit muddled. However, he does not seem to have lost an ounce of clairvoyance. It is a phrase which, in an environment as tragicomic as that of Cervantes’ work, still constitutes  an open door to hope.

A positive mental attitude allows us to make a difference,  which Cervantes did with his novel, which left a mark in history and is one of the great works of mankind, forever leaving a small gap in hope in the midst of so much realism and pessimism.

The keys to having a positive mental attitude

This last situation, the little slit of hope, can be a point of light that allows us to stop self-sabotaging and complaining about lost opportunities: this light can help us look for and find solutions. get the best possible profit.

positive woman

Being positive doesn’t mean having to be happy and fun all day long. You can’t be happy every moment, but you don’t have to be unhappy all the time. So it is important not to give up, to keep hope, to see the glass half full and not to focus on the black dot that is in the middle of a white sheet.

However, to adopt this attitude, it is important to know how to go about it. This is why we are offering you these few keys. If we have the right mindset and some ability to manage our thoughts and attention, it will not be difficult for us to adopt a positive attitude that allows us to  see the world with a less pessimistic outlook.

Do not confuse pessimism and realism

Psychologist Arturo Torres offers us a series of keys to installing a positive mental attitude in our way of life. The first, in connection with what we said in the previous paragraph, is related to realism,  which should in no case add a tone of pessimism.

When everything seems to be crumbling around us,  the reality seems to be even more sinister and negative. However, if we allow discomfort to flood our every thought, everything around us will eventually acquire this hue in our eyes, even if it doesn’t. Thus, distorting and ugly is a trap that we set for ourselves.

Look for concrete goals

Realism is not synonymous with pessimism, illusions and impossible dreams. We have in our hands the power to mark a path full of concrete goals that may be achievable. Thus, reaching one would be a cause of joy and happiness and the latter would be the fuel that would help us move forward to the next, with more strength and desire. In other words, by mentally acting in this way, we will get a very powerful source of motivation.

Surround yourself with positive people

Obviously, the entourage constitutes a base. If the people around us share a positive attitude, it will be easier for us to have a spirit of joy and optimism. This is how  the entourage manages to stimulate and motivate us. Otherwise, of course, the result will be diametrically opposed.


Look for long term projects

Setting achievable goals is good, but accomplishing them must get us somewhere. Towards long-term projects. A series of simple, united goals brings to life a much larger purposethe purpose of our life.

Think about what you want to build and turn it into reality. Give logic or a backdrop to the here and now. Make sure that what you are going to do helps you move forward towards bigger, often transcendent goals, like personal development. A well-marked now is already a great pillar for future happiness and well-being.

Use empathy, not blackmail

Don’t do favors and then ask for them to be returned to you. Acting in this way, in reality, is neither more nor less a form of blackmail. However, if you help someone just for the sake of it, out of sheer empathy, your attitude to the world will change and  become more positive.

Keep carefully in your mind these five keys that Arturo Torres offers us and that we share with you today to have a positive mental attitude. It’s not about being the happiest in the world, it’s just  about being as happy as possible. By giving the best of yourself, the goal will be much closer.


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