How Does A 9 Month Old Baby Develop?

How does a 9 month old baby develop?

The evolution of a baby is constant. At 9 months, he is in a phase of adventure and discovery. Each day is one more step, one more progress to reach the top ; summit which assumes that our child can walk, talk, play with others, bond with them, learn … In short, a whole series of small victories that we human beings know and achieve, especially when we can count on an environment that facilitates this progress.

As we have already said in previous articles, these turning points in the evolution of the baby can happen sooner or later ; each baby has their own rhythm. Maybe some will take longer to do something than others have already started doing early.

For this, we must not be alarmed, nor force our children to acquire more and more capacities as quickly as possible. It is the pediatrician who will accompany us on this path, and who will help us to dispel any doubts that we may have regarding the development of our baby.

When babies reach the ninth month of their life, they become true explorers; explorers of the world, of the house, of the people around them. We are faced with children who want to see everything, touch everything, and travel every corner of the world.

They no longer want to come to arms; 9 month old babies want to explore the world from the ground up, feeling it with their own hands. They move by crawling, sometimes even at a speed that surprises us. But being “free” children, explorers and crawling on all fours, can make them, at times, a little reckless.

That is why we must pay special attention to this phase of our baby’s development. We must be careful and vigilant. It is also important to arrange the house so that it is a safer place, since our baby will want to go everywhere and touch everything.

crawling child

Since they can get up looking for support, and sometimes even without any support, we have to be extremely careful. Of course, we’ll have to cover the catch. We can put things that are valuable or that might break if they catch them, high up.

If we have stairs, it will be necessary to put barriers. We must pay attention to the drawers that are at their height, since they will open them and will be able to take out what is stored inside without much difficulty.

We will also be faced with a great talker and imitator of sounds. It’s fun to see how a 9 month old baby mimics our intonations, how he modulates every sound he makes, so much so that it really feels like he’s having a pretty interesting conversation.

It is at this moment of its evolution that our child will be able to say his first word… if it has not already been done. Sometimes that word is not mom or dad, but a word that has meaning and that he has managed to learn and say.

His “conversations” will be full of sounds that imitate his parents or animals, cries, the noises of farts… He likes to play with his voice and with the possibilities that this allows. He appreciates sound and visual stimulation even more.

The baby is like a sponge, and we are their best reference, their model; what an honor, but what a responsibility too! We can therefore support him in his development, stimulating all this explosion of skills and capacities that he shows us day after day.

9 month old baby

When it comes to speaking, we can show our child objects or animals and say their names aloud, being careful to make eye contact with them. Thus, he will be able to imitate the movements that we make with our mouth and associate them more easily with the object that we are showing him.

9 month old babies love to play putting things in and out of containers. This helps them develop their notion of space. Thus, we will also promote cause and effect relationships that will allow them to predict what is happening around them.

As we can observe, the ninth month of life is very rich in terms of evolution and development. It is a month loaded with immense potential that can help the baby in his development. This 9 month old baby never ceases to surprise us! And that’s just the beginning…


The different stages in the evolution of the baby between the first 7 and 8 months of his life
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The more the months pass, the more dizzying our baby’s progress. Each month is an achievement, a discovery.

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