Keys To Emotional Relief

Keys to emotional relief

Life is full of changes and cycles through which we live our experiences more or less intensely.

An intimate relationship, a job, friends, accommodation, a city …

But, as our life steadily goes by, variations can arise and change, or even cause to disappear, what we thought to be eternal and irreplaceable.

Loving someone, whether it is a spouse or a friend, goes through the establishment of very strong emotional bonds which are very difficult to let go.

The same can be said of a job, where we achieve a whole series of goals and projects.

How to overcome these losses? These are the ends that close circles in which we had nestled, throughout this quiet river, this harmonious movement that brought us peace and happiness.

How do you close these stages and detach yourself emotionally?

Complete a stage

Ending a friendship, ending a relationship, and having to say goodbye to your life for that very reason involves a series of radical changes.

Life is full of rituals, habits and little details that mean a lot.

But everything has an end. In this world, everything changes and evolves. But we are afraid, and even afraid to be afraid.

The future appears to us as a narrow and dark tunnel in which we cannot find the direction or the path …

Our rituals and habits related to this person who is no longer by our side are lost, or this work that made us get up every morning is no longer there to impose its rules and obligations on us.

How to face all this? Emotions assail us in the form of fear, anxiety and immeasurable sadness.

Separated from this circle that punctuated our life, we would like to hide so that no one sees us and witnesses our condition.

The keys to emotional confrontation

1. First of all, it should be known that the stage of “suffering” is necessary. It is part of the change and part of the process.

Our mind and body need this moment of introspection to reflect and accept what has happened.

Suffering is part of human learning, it should not be seen as something negative. However, this step must remain temporary.

2. I try to live in the present, the “present moment.” This involves not only accepting this suffering, but also adapting to this reality as quickly as possible.

This rupture, this loss, and this change are a thing of the past.

I accept my sadness and this emotional crisis, but I understand that my present asks me to react, that I must take care of my immediate responsibilities, and of myself.

The days go by and look the same and I have to find my way around to continue to follow this cycle in which I deserve to find my joy of living, without forgetting the past, but in an energetic way to feel good and safe.

3. I have to learn to deal with emotions such as fear, anxiety, guilt, anger…

They are indefinable parts of the human being and it is good to feel and express them. Repressed emotions never help overcome stages.

They turn into buried pain that can sometimes damage your health.

It is good to feel hate, anger, sadness, and to suffer and cry for a while, and then learn to deal with them and rationalize them.

Day to day life will give us new illusions and, little by little, we will close this past stage to start a new one.

Life is worth living, including with its changes. To change is to learn, and life is a constant test against which we measure ourselves to find happiness, day after day.

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