7 Self-esteem Phrases To Start Liking Yourself

7 self-esteem phrases to start liking yourself

Self-esteem is a task that many people still have to do. Learning to identify all the good things we have, knowing what our strengths and abilities are is important if we are to be fulfilled in our life. Thus, self-esteem phrases serve as a compass and show us where to look to strengthen our self-esteem.

It is not an easy task, we know that. There is no shortage of people who decide to give up and stop meeting their needs, as are those who give in to a failed attempt because loving yourself means making an effort and facing your demons. Still, it’s worth it. There is nothing better than accepting and hugging yourself. Being our best friend and primary lover gives us the opportunity to feel alive and happy.

We know that a sentence by itself will not suddenly ignite the flame of self-love. However, it will still invite us to reflect. And, from this exercise, we will be able to gain deep and useful lessons. We might even say, without fear of being mistaken, that it is always helpful to have self-esteem phrases handy to remind us that we need to treat ourselves lovingly and, from time to time, nurture our self-esteem.


You deserve your love

This is one of the self-esteem phrases we need to keep in mind on a daily basis. We are people worthy of affection. Just as we have a healthy obligation not to claim it or not to receive it in pieces.

Love feeds us. Mostly self-esteem. It gives us strength, security and pushes us to love others. It is the fundamental pillar on which we must build our life and our relationships. Anyone who builds himself on love creates a foundation that is difficult to break. The most important thing is to be aware that we have the right to receive it, both from others and from ourselves.

Treat yourself in a good way

We have a bad habit of criticizing and hurting ourselves with our words and judgments. To judge yourself cruelly is simple; it is a habit for many people. On the other hand, repairing the harm that this causes is not so easy. In fact, doing it continuously generates a spiral of suffering and pain that is bigger and more heavy. But we do it anyway, almost daily. Worst of all is that we are not aware of it.

It is impossible to have a good self-esteem if we shoot ourselves continuously, if we create traps and despise ourselves. Louise Hay, through this sentence, offers us an alternative. This North American writer and speaker relies on compliments and positive self-talk. Why not give it a try?

We deserve to treat ourselves well, we deserve our own recognition. What is wrong with saying all the things we can do, noticing all the good things we do? We may not be used to it, but there is a first time to everything and that of loving each other is absolutely priority.

Respect yourself to make better choices

This is another self-esteem phrase that ties in with the previous ones and which we should always keep in mind. Respecting us marks our future decisions. Being loyal and true to ourselves determines every act and choice of our life. What’s more, how we respect ourselves will determine how we relate to the people around us.

If we value and support ourselves, the likelihood that others will treat us the same will increase. On the other hand, if we look down on ourselves, ignore ourselves, and treat ourselves badly, others will likely do the same. It’s about prioritizing yourself and loving yourself.

woman in a mirror

Don’t depend on others to be happy

Happiness does not depend on others, no one offers it. True happiness is an attitude and, as such, it arises on our own. We are solely responsible for how we feel, even if the circumstances are right for a particular emotional state.

Handing over the key to our well-being to others is a mistake. We have the power to transform situations, even if we are hardly aware of it. It begins with two points: accepting ourselves and loving ourselves. If we don’t, no one will do it for us. Let us not forget that.

be yourself

Thousands of people dream of being someone else. They fantasize about this idea, compare themselves to their friends and think things like “if I had…”, “if I was…”…  Dreaming is not a bad thing, but wasting time doing it is. These people forget that being themselves is a wonderful thing and involves a thousand possibilities. They therefore deviate from themselves and become unhappy.

We are a limited edition. Unique and imperfect, yet precious. No one is like you or like me and that is precisely what makes us special and different. You shouldn’t compare yourself to others but discover yourself. Direct our gaze towards ourselves to awaken our full potential and take advantage of our authenticity.

Esteem yourself to take action

This is one of the other self-esteem phrases that has a deep message. Self-esteem is the basis of everything, the springboard to a fulfilled, happy and successful life. If we do not value ourselves, we will hardly be able to achieve all that we wish and, ultimately, continue to grow.

When we value ourselves, we know ourselves, we prioritize ourselves and we give ourselves time. Let’s stop living on autopilot to finally live consciously. Time is a precious gift that we must not overlook.

thinking woman

The opinion of others is not your reality

We are social beings and as such the opinion of others influences us to some extent. However, we must learn to differentiate between who we are and what others think of us, between what we want and what others want for us.

Whether with good intention or not, the people around us will express their opinions about us. Now, remember: these are just opinions. Subjective realities that we don’t have to share or that we don’t necessarily have to agree with. We must only respect, without entering into personal attacks, the people who deliver them. The key to not getting into a risk situation and not losing control is knowing what we want, how we value ourselves and, above all, knowing how to treat ourselves well.

As we can see,  loving yourself is complicated because it involves knowing yourself but also accepting and respecting yourself. These self-esteem phrases can help you take the most important aspects into account, but you are the one with the power to start doing it. Treat yourself lovingly, recognize your successes, and recognize that there are a lot of things you can do. Take care of yourself and, please, do not forget yourselves.


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