7 Conversation Topics That Will Help You In Any Situation

7 conversation topics that will help you no matter what

Conversation is the main way to get to know others and make yourself known. Many say it is an art, and they are right, because not everyone has interesting topics for conversation. Especially nowadays, when one-on-one is more and more rare, and words tend to be extremely synthetic.

A good conversation should address topics that arouse the interest of both parties. There is nothing more annoying than “conversing” with someone who claims to be arguing as an expert on a particular topic, or who is only interested in convincing the other to his own views. For a conversation to be truly interesting, each interlocutor must have the opportunity to listen and speak.

There are conversation topics that are sure to start a good discussion. They revolve around themes that interest the majority of individuals. They are also accessible by almost anyone, which allows everyone to be able to intervene. There are small devices that facilitate interaction and create an atmosphere for two or more people to enter with confidence. Here are 7 topics among those conversation topics.

1) A conversation that never fails: the themes of childhood

A conversation around childhood themes is not only entertaining, it also allows you to learn a lot about the life of the other. Childhood is a stage that leaves great imprints in the lives of individuals. Whether difficult or hard, it involves fantastic and endearing episodes in everyone that, for all, are fun to talk about.

childhood conversation

Ideally, the conversation should focus on children’s anecdotes. We probably all have something to tell about our early years in school, our first friends, the games we entertained, the characters we admired, the reprimands we got from our kids. parents or those we have escaped… In fact, there is a lot of material to be cut.

2) Travel anecdotes

Unless someone is the type who rarely leaves their home, it’s hard not to have even a travel memory to share. Travel is always an excursion into the unknown and for that, they are the source of many discoveries, surprises and knowledge. Talking about travel is always entertaining.

This topic has an additional “+”: generally it is very useful for those who participate in the conversation. It is not only a question of sharing experiences, but of being able to reuse the information transmitted during a future trip. This conversation also teaches a lot about people by providing clues about their attitude to novelty and change.

3) Movies and books

Films are one of the subjects which is no stranger to anyone. To talk about films, you don’t have to be a cinephile. We have all seen, at one point, a recording that turned our stomachs, made us cry with laughter, or revealed to us a truth that lit our way. The cinema is the meeting point and also the starting point for many friendships.

movie conversation

Also, of course, it is possible to speak of television. There are the series of all time that have brought together millions of viewers. There are also soap operas, channels or special productions that have received a lot of attention. Every good production elicits positive or negative comments, helping to make conversations interesting.

4) Music

Who doesn’t like music? It is an art that has existed almost since the appearance of Man. It is present in all cultures and all times. Obviously, this is a universal language, in which there is no social level, no race, no religion, no ideology. Two people can think very differently about many subjects, and at the same time have similar tastes in music.

If what is wanted is to have a pleasant conversation, it is not a question of arguing about the age-old musical genres, performers or technical details. L has music unites when each-e can freely express their spontaneous tastes, as each may present that music awakens in him / her, or when each-e can tell the stories of his life during which the music was protagonist.

5) Animals and pets

Humans have lived with domestic animals for millennia. While some prefer parakeets, others prefer fish, and many love cats and dogs. These animals are not only more inhabitants of each house, they become a part of everyone’s life, of the family, of feelings. Mentioning pets will always lead to a happy conversation.

pet conversation

Also, we have all listened to or read stories about animals. Their behavior and their way of life interest us. We want to know them better; in order to get to know humans better, by contrast or resemblance. It is rare that the subject of animals does not lead to a good conversation. In addition, it gives us an idea of ​​how others relate to different and vulnerable beings.

6) Food and drinks

Talking about dishes that we like and don’t like is a topic that leads to interesting conversations. For example, arguing about what makes us like butter mushrooms or giving the right reasons for not eating spinach. For some, this subject may seem trivial, but in reality, it is something that has to do with the human aspect and the everyday aspect of individuals.

It is interesting to share the experiences of tasting exotic dishes that everyone has had. But also to refer to stories about food, for example, when you are offered something strange and you don’t even know where to start. Or when you taste something delicious and finally realize that it was really dirt. No doubt everyone can find something to say about food and drink.

7) Sports and passions

It can be said that no one in the world has any passion. We all have free time. We use these time frames to do something close to our hearts. Some do it consciously, while others don’t really realize it. What is certain is that everyone feels pleasure in practicing certain so-called “free” activities, whether it is taking care of the plants, watching television, or looking out the window.

sport conversation

It is also usual for everyone to have a favorite sport, practicing it or just being a spectator. As sport involves knowledge, it is possible that some conversations will become controversial, so be tactful when discussing this topic.

Finally, all the topics of conversation that allow a pleasant discussion are pretexts that allow us to know the other by allowing him to know us. It is always worth listening to others. All people can do a lot for you just by giving yourself time to share. It is also always worth talking about yourself with others. No conversation is trivial because somehow it connects you with the world.

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