Being Sad Is Not The End Of The World

To be sad is not the end of the world

How many times have you felt that sadness seemed like the end of the world? Remember those times when you saw your life as a deep dark tunnel where you couldn’t see a way out.

However, there is always a reason not to lose faith and hope. You just have to know where to look.

Because it is certain, to be sad, it is not the end of the world. In reality, it’s all in our head. It is up to us to fall into those pessimistic and melancholy states that make everything around us gloomy and tasteless.

Where does the sadness come from?

Sadness is an emotion that can quickly take hold of us if we are not prepared for it. This is why it requires very little effort, and why it ends up being really addictive, as Flaubert said.


“Sadness, while it’s always justified, often it’s just fear. Nothing takes less effort than being sad. ”



A difficult stage, such as the loss of a loved one, can cause deep sadness. Disappointment, unsatisfactory work, complex family situations, disagreements and disappointments …

There are dozens of reasons that can trigger depressive situations that are difficult to overcome.

Sadness is not inherently negative. After a complicated situation, it’s a totally natural and acceptable mood. We would not be human beings with feelings if after losing a loved one we did not suffer from the void left behind by the deceased.

However, it is not good to let the whims of any emotion take control of our mind. Of course, grieving is okay, but it doesn’t have to last forever.

Overcome states of sadness

Our own reason will be responsible for deciding how long we need to mourn. Once the trauma has passed, nothing prevents us from gradually leading a life without sadness and disappointment.


“You cannot prevent the bird of sadness from coming back to land on your head; on the other hand, you can prevent it from making its nest there. ”

-Chinese proverb-

We should never close down and say no to overcoming problems. In our mind is the ability to move forward, to be optimistic, to act in a positive way, and to try to be happy.

There isn’t a button in our brain that can turn sadness on or off. But we know that said that it is what makes us happy, what entertains us and what illuminates us. It is in this direction that we must look to overcome sadness.

Sadness should never represent the end of the world. Quite the contrary; it must constitute the beginning of a new life where we value more what we have around us. Make the most of everything you’ve done because there’s no reason to suffer from depression for the rest of your life.

The reasons for moving forward

Take to the streets and see what you’ve achieved. Friends, family, work… We all have successes that delight us, that allow us to be positive and to live the present with happiness, while we look to the future with hope.

There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. At first she will be distant and tenuous, but with effort and perseverance one will come closer to her seeing her a little bigger every day, managing to make her shine like a star in the firmament.

Find reasons that make you happy. Tell yourself that the friend who leaves does not like you when you are sad, believe in people who love you, do activities that you like and entertain you, see the positive side of things and express it …

In short, enjoy every second of life, because they are all unique and they will not happen twice.


An emotion, like sadness, does not represent the end of the world. In fact, there are plenty of reasons why it’s worth moving forward and not letting yourself be overwhelmed by a feeling that makes us feel melancholy.

Speak from your heart, directly and sincerely. Find in him everything you love, what deludes you and what makes you happy.

Give love and tenderness to others every day and remember that sadness is not the end of the world, but a situation that forces you to move forward, that makes you want to move forward. ” be always happier every day.

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