The Little Girl Who Looked At The Sky And Discovered Her Star

The little girl who looked at the sky and discovered her star

This story is about a little girl who looked at the sky and discovered her inner light when she saw the luminosity of a star. I admit that this little girl was me, and that this story was inspired by what my mother told me with patience and affection, as many times as necessary. I will always be grateful to him for teaching me to have the courage to follow my star and value my inner light.

Once upon a time there was a little girl with big blue eyes and dark hair who loved to play with her friends. Her favorite game was hide and seek,  she spent most of her time searching: when she had to hide, she looked for a hiding place nearby, because she got tired when she ran long distances.

But she didn’t care to “lose”. Her friends used to look for very original hiding places: between the trees, behind parked cars, some of them even exchanged their jackets in order to deceive others … all these little details made her laugh and enjoy the game.

Until the day when  a new little girl integrated into the group of friends and kept annoying her because she was losing, while insisting that she look for a distant hiding place. Faced with this attitude, the little girl began to feel sad. Despite this, she continued to play.

Finally, faced with the insistence of the newcomer, the little girl agreed to hide in the park, far from where she had to run to save herself. This time she didn’t lose , but she reached the goal so exhausted that she had to stop playing and go home.

As she walked home, sadness washed over her and she started to cry. When she walked through the door, much earlier than usual, her mother approached the little girl and asked her: “Why are you crying, my daughter?” The little girl explained to her mother what had happened with the new girl and the game of hide and seek. She couldn’t stop crying and repeating that she was different from other boys and girls and that she felt lonely.

little girl

The brightest star

Her mother took her hand and without saying anything, they went out to the balcony of their little house, in front of them a star shone. It was the brightest star in the sky, but it seemed to be alone, there were no other stars around it. The mother took out a soft white handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her daughter’s tears. She grabbed the little girl’s chin firmly and gently and lifted her head, pointing at the star.

  • Do you see that star? – Asked the mother to her daughter, with a smile on her lips.
  • Yes, she is very beautiful and she shines a lot. -Answered the girl with great curiosity.
  • This star is you. – Said the mother very convinced.
  • But mom, is this star very lonely?
  • She is not alone, she shines so brightly, that the other stars cannot be seen, but even though we cannot see them, they are there.
  • Do I really have so much light? Said the little girl wiping away the few tears that were still springing from her eyes and starting to smile.
  • You have so many that some people are afraid of it. But others will love you precisely because of this light. Never stop being you, my girl. You are worth a lot.
  • Thanks Mom. I love you.-
  • The little girl kissed her mother and gave her a big hug.

Remember the light

From that day on, when she felt sad, the mother would accompany her to the balcony so that she could see the star and remember its light. Little by little the little girl was growing. And she learned to go alone to the balcony in search of her star.

In time, she just had to look at the sky, wherever she was, she always saw her star, which reminded her of its light. This little girl,  today, is already a woman and thanks to this story, she will never forget that her star still shines  in the sky, guiding her steps.

The stories offer us  the  lessons  helpful,  we can easily remind us to face adversity and to enjoy more of what brings us luck and we get through our efforts. In this story, it is necessary to experience a moment of darkness to see the light.

girl looking at the sky

The stars have always guided humanity when it feels lost, drawing maps in the sky. Their  luminosity reminds us of both how small and insignificant we are, and at the same time our greatness. Seeing the stars shine more intensely when the darkness is greater allows us to understand that human beings can shine with their own light.

In this story, the little girl, with the help of her mother, sees her inner light reflected in the outer luminosity of a star. This allows her to understand that  she should not let the opinions of others interfere with the way she is and enjoys life.

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