Suffering Exists, But It Will No Longer Control My Life

We have all been harmed at some point in our lives, or even we may have harmed ourselves. In this sense, it is likely that the damage was unconscious or, unfortunately, well and truly aware.

On the other hand, each person gives their own stories the importance they think they have, because the damage that one causes to others is a very relative thing; some people are greatly affected by something that for us can only represent a simple setback, and vice versa. What is truly human is to understand that all circumstances are worthy of being respected.

Either way, we have to let the suffering go in order to live in harmony with ourselves. It is certain that it is difficult to face the moment when the only remedy available to us is to accept what has happened, but it is indeed possible. And if we do, then we will be rewarded.

We talk a lot about the fact that suffering is negative, and it is therefore quite logical that we all seek to move away from it when it threatens to draw closer to us, or that we try to flee when it begins to invade us. We don’t want negative things to happen to us that break our emotional balance and make us feel like we have fallen into a dead end. To a certain extent, we have sufficient tools to overcome suffering, but we are never prepared for it to happen.

And even if you get used to the idea that it is a possibility, you don’t even easily adapt to the blows you receive. However, we have often spoken of the fact that hard knocks have a positive side: learning.

“Did you know ? A person may consider that life is fraught with difficulties to be avoided,

or else that it represents a vast playground which offers in each of its corners an experience to be lived. ”

– Laurent Gounelle –

The lessons we learn from our experiences are like small seeds from which we must reap the fruits, these fruits so precious for us if we want to continue to move forward in life. So, from this point of view, it is good to allow yourself to suffer in order to learn from it and fully absorb all the details of life.

It is good to fail to feel how good it is to succeed. It is good to cry to enlighten our eyes and relieve our heart. Ultimately, it’s good to understand that during a trip there are ups and downs. Also, during these lows, it’s not a bad thing if it teaches us how to get up.

When we are there, at the bottom of a deep well, we have the feeling that the tools that can allow us to get out of this place are beyond our reach. And precisely, it is the shadow of this feeling that remains in us when we have not succeeded in overcoming the past.

In other words, we live in a present where this suffering is no longer but which, sometimes, continues to hurt us. If this happens, it is because we have not been able to leave all the things we have experienced behind us and we need to do it. We must therefore remember that the past cannot harm us again if we prevent it.

“But who can remember the suffering after it is gone?

All that remains of her is a shadow; no trace remains in the spirit, not even in the flesh. ”

– Margaret Atwood –

We will know that we have passed this milestone when we look behind us and discover that it is only a memory, which no longer hurts us, and no longer controls us. We deserve to take this step, forgive others and / or forgive ourselves, as appropriate.

Suffering temporarily retains control over our life, however, with patience and courage, we will succeed in reclaiming it. You are in command: you are the one at the helm, you are the one who now decides which direction to take.

With our suitcase full of useful feelings, we will leave behind what is henceforth useless to us. We have derailed, but we got back on track and we don’t allow ourselves to get lost again. And, if because of fate, it does come back to happen, we will know how to find our way again.

“(…) Decide when we lost control of our life.

Because there is always a point in life when you go off the rails. ”

– Gillian Flynn –


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