I Am A Genuine Person And I Don’t Like Appearances

I am a genuine person and I don't like appearances

I am a genuine person, with integrity, with my principles and I do not try to be like others or to show something that does not define me, for the sole purpose of pleasing others.

I am everything you see and I only understand one language: that of sincerity.

Authenticity of soul, spirit and will are things that are not practiced very often.

The reason is simple: sometimes we need to pretend in certain situations, in order to gain the approval of others or to feel included in our group of daily relationships.

Life, in reality, is a long road that we have to travel to remove all the tricks and keep only what really matters, what is “authentic”.

Pillars as basic as self-esteem, integrity and respect for oneself and others are qualities that should define us all.

However, it is true that it is not always easy to keep this sincere attitude that I am telling you about. Sometimes showing ourselves as we are can lead to conflict with others because we come up against different feelings.

In reality, it is more a question of maintaining a certain balance. Because authenticity is above all respecting: “ I am what I am and I respect your way of being ”.

We live in a world in which we have to be tolerant and where appearances can hurt a lot.

The authentic person seeks the essence of things

woman with a bird in her head

Seeking the essence of things means putting the value of the authenticity of life above all else. And this is possible by leading an existence with your heart and knowing how to observe the things that are really important and precious.

We are well aware that in recent years the term “genuine people” has become very popular. Thus, more than one will view this word with a certain skepticism, as if we are not all “real and genuine”.

So, to guide you a little in the definition of authenticity, here are some characteristic features:

  • In an article published in 2015 in the journal “Psychology Today”, it is explained that genuine people are mainly people who do not use falsity. In addition, the falsehood bothers them.
  • It is interesting to know that authentic people are people who live their daily life from the inside: they pay attention, analyze, reflect, value their thoughts, their attitudes and do the same for everything they receive from those around them.
  • They are independent people who only meet internal expectations. They will never seek the approval of others to do something and will never let their happiness depend on others.
  • The authentic personality learns from its failures and mistakes, takes them on and accepts them in order to reorientate its path. These people understand the value of effort and personal achievement.
  • Their self-esteem is strong and sure. However, getting to where they are today has not been easy and has involved a long road of disagreement and learning. In the end, they discovered the value of truth, freedom, humility, self-esteem and happiness.


woman at the window

Appearances: the art of wearing a mask and pretending

As we said at the beginning of this article, we have all pretended to be something that we are not.

The adolescent does this to feel integrated in his social group and adults sometimes feel obliged to do it too in order not to upset or to maintain harmony at a specific and punctual moment.

If there is one thing that genuine people cannot stand, it is undoubtedly the fake people who complain about the falseness of people!

Thus, the human being is undoubtedly very complex: some adapt their personality to be what others expect of them and others do not appreciate their friends or family members and yet pretend to be. close to them …

Why are we doing this ?

  • Sometimes appearances and those masks that we feel compelled to wear from time to time are part of what we consider to be “socialization”. However, by adopting these practices over an extended period of time, we run the risk of no longer recognizing ourselves.
  • The genuine person may have gone through this phase, but in the end, they decided to never do it again, because their attitude did not match their essence and principles.

We must remember that part of our life’s learning is to conform our image with integrity and nurture it according to who we are on the inside.

bearded man

Images published with the kind permission of Tuğba Sayın and Pascal Campion.

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