In My Life, I Like People Who Add, Not Those Who Subtract

In my life, I like people who add, not those who subtract

Don’t let your essence dissipate. Make sure you don’t get lost in the midst of others, because we know less and less those around us. Do not reveal yourself, and take care of your essence even if what you are going through torments you.

Your heart is beautiful the way it is, so don’t let anyone subtract or divide your life. Love yourself, improve yourself every day, and keep your essence.

If unfortunately it disappears, you will be just one more person in the mass, and those who love and appreciate you will not be able to recognize or distinguish you.


Remember that what makes you cry makes you just as special as what makes you laugh; it is by realizing this that you will be able to free yourself. Take care of your essence, don’t let circumstances tear it apart, and protect it from the cold.


The suffering caused by what cancels us is sometimes unbearable

Who would want to have by his side people who boycott his personal development? On the contrary, we all want to be surrounded by people who help us to accumulate experiences and good feelings.

It’s like yin and yang, sadness and joy, night and day. Successes also have errors, just as addition wouldn’t make sense if there was never anything to subtract.

This is why we can sometimes be white, other times black, and still other times, colored.


No one is totally good nor totally bad

Even if we know very well that we cannot be all or nothing, we must not leave our well-being uncovered. We need to protect it from these preventable and predictable injuries.

That’s why we have to use our emotional scale. On the one hand, we put everything that others have generated in us that is negative and that is of no use to us. On the other side, we put all that is good and positive in our life.

Obviously, we will have to weigh each person emotionally and individually, always taking into account the physical and emotional situation of the people we love.

It is not easy to make good use of this scale, because there are hundreds of factors which cannot be controlled and which are totally subjective. So… how is it that we have such easy judgment, be it positive or negative?



There is nothing better than finding yourself again, and forgiving someone whether they are right or not, because when people do things that hurt us, it is because At that time they did not know how to do better, and they were afraid. To forgive is therefore a wonderful thing.


Be a righteous person, and don’t lose your essence

Sometimes when we find ourselves immersed in deep pain, it pushes us to the edge of the precipice of prejudices and clichés.

In this case, we are usually blinded by the pain of our injuries, rather than that kindness that characterizes us on other occasions.

Through forgiveness and understanding, we can succeed in getting everyone to add something to our life, even by dividing their bad deeds or bad words.

It is we who give validity to the actions or words of others, which is why we choose how we want to learn.

Realizing that we often tend to judge too quickly, will allow us to get rid of everything that can be harmful or negative in our life. By having such a philosophy, we will be consistent and fair people.


Don’t put labels on other people’s foreheads and don’t judge them; Instead, forgive them, and take their bad deeds as an opportunity to continue to grow and learn. Your essence will represent your best protection, and will always be within your reach.

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