13 Steps To Build Resilience

13 steps to building your resilience

Having a capacity for resilience is not something extraordinary. This can be seen in completely normal people, who have demonstrated an admirable capacity for recovery from the difficult events of their lives.

Being resilient is not synonymous with coldness or calculation, far from it.

Resilience is a capacity that guides us towards the future, towards hope and towards incredible strength of mind. But above all, it forces us to act.

Resilience can be learned, it is not a personality trait that would only be present in some human beings, and not in others.

Being resilient means that a person is able to continue living without losing control, or without feeling overwhelmed, despite pain and negative life circumstances. She can resume her life after a hard blow, after having lost everything.


There are many factors that help build resilience. One of the main ones is the presence of meaningful relationships in our life: sincere friends and a tight-knit family, for example.

It is also important to have the ability to make realistic plans, to discern the process to follow, to have a positive view of oneself and to have the ability to deal with strong emotions, or impulses.

How to develop your resilience?

Even if it may seem complicated at first, it is quite possible to develop a good capacity for resilience.

It’s not something just for the elite, and  we can all be resilient, at some point in our lives.

In the rest of this article, we will give you tips to increase your level of resilience:

  • Establish good relations with those around you:  here we are talking about your family, your friends, your co-workers, even the parents of the children who play with yours.
    Establish a social circle that allows you to keep your schedule well. It is an important part of your microsystem.
  • Accept the fact that change is inevitable in your life : there is no evolution without change. And even if you don’t want to evolve, the change will happen on its own.
    Adapting to the change will help you to implement more dynamic strategies, to differentiate the unmodifiable circumstances of your existence, and to be able to improve the aspects of your life that you want to change.
  • Avoid viewing the crises in your life as insurmountable problems : you cannot avoid being subjected to highly stressful events. They will inevitably appear in your existence.
    Try to take a more holistic view and be aware that any stressful moment is only temporary. On the other hand, if you are in a constant stressful situation, make a plan to get rid of it, and take action!
  • Set Achievable Goals : If you have one ultimate goal on the horizon, you won’t achieve it by rushing for it. You need to move forward gradually, setting small, short-term goals for yourself.
    Be aware of the distance you are able to travel so as not to crash into the wall of your illusions.
    If you take it one step at a time, you will feel good. This is the path you must take.
  • Do not be afraid to make decisions : do not ignore the problems that arise in front of you, do not fall into procrastination.
    If you can do something right now, take action as soon as you can. If you can’t, find the strength to wait a moment to do it, without devoting all of your thoughts to it.
  • Cultivate a positive outlook on yourself : Confidence in our own abilities and a positive attitude are two things that make us particularly resilient.
  • Discover your inner self : after a hard blow, you must feel the need to find the spiritual part of your being, to read, and to explore your body and your mind, through various activities.
    A busy mind will allow you to avoid bad thoughts and establish a healthy foundation, which will serve you well in the future.
  • Always keep perspective : If something bad has happened to you, it doesn’t mean that your entire life is adrift, nor that your entire personality or values ​​need to be questioned.
    Define the problem well, so that you can tackle it from the right angle, and to prevent it from contaminating your entire existence.
  • Ask yourself how you were able to overcome other hardships : remember the difficult situations you had to endure in the past, and try to find the keys to your recovery.
    If you can identify them, restart what has allowed you to overcome other problems in your life.
  • Take care of yourself : Your work and daily occupations shouldn’t be the only two parts of your schedule.
    Do things you love, enjoy life, and most importantly, rest. Spend time with the people who make you feel good.
  • Express Your Emotions : Even if you are feeling very negative things, don’t keep everything to yourself. Emotional repression can make a person seriously intoxicated.
  • Check out books, get therapy, find out online : try to find people who have been through the same thing as you, when you are ready to talk in an intimate way.
    You can also consult professionals if you feel you need them to move forward, and you don’t know where to start.
  • Persevere and remain confident : these two elements will be your allies to face the path that awaits you. Never forget it.

Resilience is not an isolated quality, it is a way of understanding life that will help you

When we are strong, there are few things that can hurt us and that can keep us from living passionately. We are almost invincible and we can accomplish anything we dream of.

Resilience is the ability that can empower you to endow yourself with such strength. It is not just a sum of sensations or reactions, but rather a general framework, a strategy that helps people to improve the way they use their vital treasures.

Once you are aware of this, all you have to do is develop this faculty and put it into practice.

With determination and consistency, you will get there. Being resilient is a habit that can be learned and will help you see life in a different way.

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