If Someone Imposes Their Ellipsis On You, You Can Choose To Remove Two Of Them

If someone imposes their ellipsis on you, you can choose to remove two of them.

Relationships don’t carry over, neither do feelings. So if someone is trying to shape our will, we should not allow them to.

It is not healthy to beg for love because we all know that affection and esteem have no value whether they are asked for or expected.

So, if someone imposes their ellipsis on you, you can choose to remove two of them to just stay with the endpoint.

Why ? Because love is immediate, it is not something that can be rejected. If we imagine that the selfishness of others can turn into thanksgiving and tenderness, we are wasting our time.

When we love, we love all the time, not yes today and no tomorrow. Yet we often mortgage our emotional well-being on a potential misfortune that makes us wait and hope, where others leave only points of suspension.

There is another situation – when one or both members of a relationship need to take a moment to manage their priorities and clear up their feelings, sometimes troubled by concrete conflict.


Choose to be his priority, choose to be happy

Accepting that you are your own priority is a matter of choice. When you see your inner world turning into a battle between your own desires and the expectations of others, you fall into a very deep emotional hole.

We deserve to be listened to, to be taken into account and to be the protagonists of our film, a film in which there is a backdrop that must not budge: self-esteem. It is based on self-esteem, far from submission to others.

If we want to say NO, we are within our strictest rights. If we mean STOP, too. If we don’t want to negotiate the terms of a relationship as we see it harms our aspirations, too.

We need to protect ourselves and not make false promises to ourselves written with ellipses. When someone’s aspirations and rights are at stake, you have to know how to say stop.

This is why we must put aside the misconception that in love and war anything can be accepted. Feeling good is not a choice of others, it is a personal choice.



The greatest adventure we can have is loving ourselves

Deciding and choosing for oneself is the choice that most guarantees happiness in life. This enterprise translates into several points, which must always be taken into account. Let’s see several key points …

Surround yourself with people who bring us, not who alter us

The people who bring us light, who move us and who consider us are the people who are worth it.

Leaving aside the relationships that cut us off from our identity and plunge us into suffering is a principle of emotional health that we all need to apply.

Genuine people are synonymous with authentic relationships

We tend to copy and paste in our relationships. We conform to monotonous relationships out of fear of uncertainty and emotional emptiness.

People are not always what we are or what we need.

Eliminating this fear and saying goodbye to the influence of fear helps us exercise our right to seek genuine relationships.

Mujer con los labios rojos

Cultivating our strengths helps us listen to our inner SELF

To be happy, we must take an inner journey through which we will work on our fundamental characteristics.

If someone or something is controlling us and not offering us support that allows us to thrive, we are mortgaging our strengths and digging a deep pit that weakens us and takes away our needs.

If we balance these points, changes will come to us in a healthy and natural way.

That’s why we need to use our self-esteem all the time and right now, not just when it’s convenient for us or when we get stuck.

Opening your eyes and being heard is the key to being happy.

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