How To Integrate A New Workstation Successfully?

How to integrate a new workstation successfully?

Technology has increased the speed. The speed with which we communicate, the speed at which we move, the one that allows us to synthesize, the one that allows us to open and close stages or even to eat and cook. Moreover, the professional world has been no stranger to this dynamism, in fact more and more people with a CV presenting a pilgrimage in several companies. They come in and go out, because if the new entrepreneurs have a clear idea, it is that of the fact that workers, as essential as they are, are always substitutable. In fact, in this article we will see three keys that allow you to successfully integrate a new responsible workstation.

Getting into any business is always a complicated process. In many companies, there are very concrete, explicit rules, but unwritten rules also prevail. Regarding the latter, all those who work under a specific brand know them and apply them. Not applying them is not a reason for dismissal, or at least usually is not one, but applying them is a sign of adaptability and good functioning, so it is advisable in order to successfully integrate a new position of work. So let’s start with the first recommendation …

Observe what is going on around you

The first recommendation in order to integrate a new workstation successfully is observation. Observing how people in a similar position behave is generally a good technique: in principle if they have “survived” it means that it would not be a bad idea to emulate them. It is also important to observe the boss’s approach to communication and to emulate him, both with people who are superior and with others.

In this sense, from observation is born identification: that of the virtues and shortcomings of your new position, that of the roles played by each in an office or a small department (the optimist, the helpful, the surly, the worker , the available, the selfish, the interested…). This will take you to the ultimate important identification: necessities. Think that if, in addition to doing a job, you are able to make a significant human contribution to the company, it is more likely that you will be valued more.


Know the work of others

The second recommendation to integrate a new job is precisely related to the attention paid to relationships and sensitivity. The people above you in the chart are important, but those below are even more so. In many cases, they are your team in one way or another, the ones who can make your work shine or on the contrary ruin it. You depend on them, and the more hierarchically important you are, the more you depend on them.

Know, know what they do, how they do it. Don’t think you know everything, just ask them. If one day you get the chance, even put yourself in their shoes. You won’t get a better perspective than this for knowing what is acceptable, exaggerated, or inaccurate in what they are offering you. In addition, do not try to make decisions for them or for their good and ban any paternalistic initiative that may tempt you. When it comes to decisions that involve their position, remember that they are the ones who know it best. Listen and count on them to make the changes. In this way, you will get their engagement more easily and you will strengthen the communication bridges.

On the other hand, avoid making a mistake  : take ill-advised actions for not taking into account variables that you ignore or for which you miscalculate their subjective value. For you, eliminating a five-minute break may mean nothing, but for a worker it can be a lot if, for example, he uses it to disconnect between two complex tasks.

take an interest in others

Learn how to motivate those around you

The third recommendation for integrating a new position is related to motivation. In fact, remember that bad motivational politics can be much worse than not enforcing any. So, one of the most common forms of motivation is recognition: what we all need to a greater or lesser extent. There is nothing wrong with this form of motivation in principle. When done well, it encourages what is done well by the worker and as “bosses” it gives space to demand effort on areas that can be improved.

On the other hand, so that a motivation is effective (and does not end up demotivating the worker), it says to be opportune in time. Motivation is actually a process, not something that you can get overnight. You will be wrong if you try to sow and reap at the same time, if you just give a pat on the back when you need something from someone. Keep in mind that when we detect this strategy in others, we disconnect from what they are saying and we just hang on to demand. Thus, this strategy can backfire on us. “And this one, what does he want this time?” “.

In addition, another fundamental ingredient for your motivational measures to work is to tailor them, whether they are specific and not general. Forget the famous “I like your work”, “you are the best”, these ready-made phrases are comfortable, but in the long term they are unproductive. They are all made, from books and do not imply a real valuation of the work. “I’m the best… but what do you like about my job?” Why do you think I’m doing it right? “.

Unfortunately, this way of acting is much more common than necessary: the costs are lower and the result in the first place is not bad. The problem is that the manipulation is usually blatant and it will not take long for the person to identify this type of valuation as false and impersonal. And, who likes to be manipulated? Valuing work in this way is like telling the worker that what they are doing is so undeserving and not so difficult that you don’t even bother to know it.

These are perhaps the most important recommendations from a psychological point of view in order to successfully integrate a new position. It should be understood that performance is the consequence of many factors and particularly of the human factor. It is therefore important to take care of it and seek honesty in communication.


How to be successful at work?
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Being successful at work is one of the goals of the vast majority of people. But what does it mean to be successful?

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