The Wounds Of Our Emotional Past

The wounds of our emotional past

When a life stage comes to an end, you have to know it. If we don’t move on to the next one in time, then we will lose the joy, and for us, nothing will make sense. We must close the loops, close the doors, or close the chapters; call it what you want.

The important thing is to be able to turn the page, and let slip the moments of life that are now behind us.

If we are nostalgic for the past, we cannot live in the present moment. The past is the past ; you have to let go, and detach yourself from it.

You can’t be a child forever, or even a late teenager, an employee of a company that doesn’t exist, or even bond with people who don’t want to.

What is done is done, and we must accept it!

Paul Coelh o

One day, you suddenly feel overwhelmed by a sensation that brings you back to all the time that you may have wasted, to all those minutes that you did not take advantage of and that you will never recover …

It is always after the fact that we realize how precious time is, because time is life.

Of course, it is normal to think about the past. But, living with your open emotional wounds can only be painful.

Indeed, it is these wounds that prevent us from moving forward and enjoying the present moment.

Emotional vertigo

If we persist in saying to ourselves that it was better before , it is proof that the emotional wounds are still there, anchored in the present.

These injuries keep us from letting go. They plunge us into panic, and push us into an abyss that our eyes see deeper than reality.

This is how vertigo arises, but not just any vertigo: Emotional vertigo.

It prevents us from looking to the past to turn the page, to heal our wounds and stop hurting ourselves.

The cleanliness of our past

Some people think that looking to the past is a waste of time, and they feel that they don’t need to cleanse themselves. For them, the important thing is to live in the present moment.

As a result, the garbage from the past is piling up, and creating an ever greater mountain of pain.

To get an idea, it is as if an allergic person puts all the dust in their house under a carpet, thinking that this way it will not affect them.

It is therefore important to break the chains that hurt us, so that they do not deepen our wounds further.

So, what you are and what you have today, you owe it to your past (both good and bad).

Understand that it is not by forgetting your past that you will succeed in escaping it, on the contrary.

By doing so, you will allow the negative aspects of your emotional past to affect you in the present, which will leave less room for the positive, and which will hurt you.

Healing the wounds of our emotional past

It is only by overcoming the fear of letting go of the past that we can close the door, and thus prevent the monster from coming back to us.

Try to heal the wounds of your past and let go of your burden. So you will be aware of what is choking you.

Imagine that those chains that keep you tied are like a balloon.

Let it fly away, watch it rise in the sky, until you lose sight of it. Smile, and you will feel a great inner peace within you.

Let go!

If your life doesn’t make you happy… LET GO

If you are not fulfilled and you are not building anything … LET GO

If you don’t evolve… LET GO

If you stay in your comfort zone and don’t try to get out of it… LET GO

If you don’t recognize your talents… LET GO

If you’re not taking care of yourself… LET GO

If you don’t do anything to make a fresh start… LET GO

If you say, but don’t… LET GO

If you don’t make time for yourself… LET GO

If you’re trying to change the way you are… LET GO

If the “I” prevails… LET GO

If there are more disagreements than agreements… LET GO

If your life just isn’t right for you… LET GO

LET YOURSELF GO… The fall will be much less painful.
Stop thinking about what you used to be but what you are no longer.

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