7 Questions That Can Change Your Life

7 questions that can change your life

Sometimes we can’t find the answers to our questions, simply because we don’t know how to phrase our questions. We set off on an adventure, we ask ourselves big questions on general and deep subjects, but in the end, it gets us nowhere. For example, nothing better than asking yourself “What is the meaning of my life?” to lose us even more.

Big questions lead to big answers. However, there is a difference between “big questions” and “vague questions”. It is more difficult to answer the latter, because they involve too many variables at the same time and they lack limits which frame us.

“Sometimes we can go years without living fully, and suddenly our whole life is focused in an instant.”

– Oscar Wilde –

This is why the fact of succeeding in formulating the question correctly is already a way of anticipating the answer. In the rest of this article, we present you 7 questions that will allow you to assess the way you live and how you define if you are going at the right pace, or if it is time to turn around and go to life. direction in which you want to go. This is not a test, so take your time to answer these questions.

The experiences around death change the lives of many people. It’s not free. Usually, we live as if we were eternal. The idea of ​​death is completely erased from our minds, even if it is the only thing completely certain of our future.


When we remember that it will all end someday, more clearly emerge the things that are really important to us. This is why if you dare to answer this question with complete sincerity, you will be able to draw a new hierarchy of priorities that will make you happier.

Think carefully about this question before you answer it. In this answer will be condensed a whole series of things that you have learned since the day your heart started to beat. It will therefore be like a conclusion of your experiences and of all that you have managed to achieve over the course of your life until today.

After you have established your “wisdom capsule,” you need to behave consistently with this advice you would give to an imaginary newborn. Do you follow this advice in your everyday life, or should you start doing it?

Age is a very relative question, although we always try to put ourselves in a box every time we say how old we are. Strictly speaking , since the day we are born, there is a child, a teenager, an adult and an elderly person sleeping simultaneously in us.

However, often one of these people takes precedence over the others depending on the period of our life. This is why this is a good question: How old are you really? What are the resulting emotions and feelings?


The posture we adopt in the face of error is one of the most revealing elements of the person we are, as well as the way we manage our life. Both the error and the things that are set in motion to remedy it provide important keys that can help us understand you better.

On the error side, determining which has been the greatest in your life will surely allow you to find leads around your main weaknesses. On the solution side, this will allow you to visualize the dynamics that you generally use to face the difficulties that you see yourself facing.

The gaze and opinion of others can greatly condition us in our actions. Sometimes this simply indicates that we have reached a healthy level of adaptation with the surroundings in which we live and evolve.

However, at other times, behind this conditioning lies a great fear of being judged. In these cases, we do not act out of respect for something we sincerely believe in, but out of fear of what will be said about it. The answer to this question brings you closer to your repressed feelings.


Thanks to this question, you will be able to assess whether today you are living according to important goals that you have set for yourself or whether, on the contrary, you have lost yourself in an insignificant routine. Important goals are not those that involve huge projects, but those that touch on essential aspects of your life.

If you can list these goals easily, surely you are living in a very intense way. However, if on the contrary you have difficulty determining these 5 facts, perhaps it is time for you to review the way you act; you may have forgotten yourself a bit.

Everyone should aim to work at what they love. Work is one of the pillars not only of our survival, but also of our mental health; this is the reason why our well-being also depends on our professional life.

Maybe it’s time to ask yourself if what you are doing is really what you love. Do you work in a field that you really like? Are you halfway to being able to work in what you love? Or quite simply, have you resigned yourself to doing a job you don’t like?



Images by Christian Schloe

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