Growing Up Is Learning To Say Goodbye

Growing up is learning to say goodbye

They say that growing up is learning to say goodbye. But not one see you soon, a farewell. It is a goodbye without return.

It’s a sonorous farewell, with a dot on the i and a full stop. What costs us so much is to write this final point, when the ellipses are so easy to put …

To say goodbye is to use stronger words. It is arriving at a distressing position of no return, which positions us in front of a horizon of possibilities where what we say goodbye to will no longer exist.

A farewell that resonates in the soul.

I never dared say goodbye. And in doing so, I left open a window through which between pain, disillusion and disenchantment.

Hope is what comes last, but if the cause is lost, it is better to let things go, take a deep breath, and let go.

Say goodbye to who broke your heart, who devastated your soul, whoever you’d rather say see you soon, because it’s easier to feel pain than to feel nothing at all .

And that cold in your chest that terrifies you. Strikes you naked. Throws you to the ground. Instead, you choose the incandescence of pain, anger and rage.

You can’t even imagine saying goodbye. You believe that your feelings alone can change these states that you go through. From fire to icy cold. You don’t know anything else these days. You haven’t been taught to smell anything else.

Because you didn’t dare say goodbye, goodbye.

You believe that your heart will freeze, and that you will never again feel the fire which radiated it. You may be right.

You think the best that can happen to you is never to feel that ardor that consumes you again. That there must be another state, not so cold and not so suffocating.

An intermediate point, warm, welcoming.

That doesn’t burn you. That doesn’t freeze you.

That fills your chest and extends to the tips of your feet.

And it’s only when it’s time to say goodbye, when someone appears and hugs you so tight, that your heart will melt again.

That day will come. When you learn to say goodbye, for real, with all the consequences that this entails, then your soul will be free to welcome someone who is truly worth, and whom you deserve.

Little by little you will learn to say goodbye to those who have taken advantage of you, your friendship and your trust. To those who have not esteemed you.

Say goodbye to those people who are here today, and tomorrow the sun will shine brighter. These people who seek to be in the shadow of others because they themselves are incapable of shining.

Say goodbye to those selfish, selfish, sad people. They are the ones who deserve your farewell. The strong one, with a dot on the i and a full stop.

Surround yourself with people who have learned to say goodbye, because with them you will have the certainty of a reliable friendship. They suffered, they cried and they let go.

They know what they want, and they’re sure they want you by their side.

With your oddities, your quirks, they want you by their side.

When you learn to say goodbye, you will build true and fulfilling relationships.

Your circle may shrink, but you won’t change the people who are part of it for the world.

We say that friends are the family we choose. Say goodbye to those you can’t call brother or sister.

The fear of being alone sometimes prompts us to put suspension points in our relationships. To say see you soon instead of one I don’t want to see you anymore.

But this loneliness is necessary to know who you want to have around you.

Maybe that’s why we maintain throughout our lives, relationships that don’t bring us anything, that don’t make us grow, and that don’t complement us.

The worst you can do is live surrounded by people and still feel alone.

Although they make a lot of noise, we listen to our feelings with interference, as if it was an old, poorly plugged-in radio .

Listen to yourself. Stay away from the noise.

Your time is precious.

Don’t waste it on people who don’t deserve it.

Learn to say goodbye. Free yourself from these chains and make space for new encounters.

As Master Sabina says: “ To say go in peace with God, we both have more than enough motives ”.

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