5 Thought-provoking Phrases From The Dalai Lama

5 thought-provoking quotes from the Dalai Lama

“Remember one thing: sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

Dalai Lama

In society, we are taught that happiness is something difficult to achieve, and that if by luck we manage to achieve it, it is only for too short a period of time.

This look that we are given to life and happiness pushes us not to act and to wait for happiness to come to us, since we believe that it is impossible to achieve it directly.

We are therefore not taught to identify happiness or to value it as such. Suddenly, we enter a vicious circle in which we always feel frustrated, without ever even touching our inner and existential fullness with our fingertips.

Thanks to Positive Psychology and ancestral philosophies such as Buddhism, we can consider that happiness is within our reach , that it is quite possible to lead a happy life, and that happiness is a necessary feeling in life. human being.

In order to allow you to develop yourself as a person in the best possible conditions, in this article, we will look at one of the philosophies that are most interested in wholeness and inner peace via these 5 principles of Dalai Lama :

– The fundamental goal of our life is to find and achieve happiness.

You will agree with us if we tell you that people generally prefer to increase their material heritage rather than their spiritual heritage. It seems that for them, the first is more urgent, and that the other, most of the time, is reserved for optional leisure time.

If we base our life on this way of seeing the world and feeling things, then we will necessarily be more able to try to “amass” wealth by seeking material security, which ultimately will never be real security.

Simply reading this sentence allows us to open our minds more, and thus to understand our existence and our goals in a completely different way from that to which we adhered , or “to which we were made to adhere”, until then.

If you want the happiness of those around you as well as your own happiness, then be compassionate.

One of the most difficult rules to apply in a person’s life, building one of the basic pillars for benefiting yourself and those close to you, is compassion.

To be a compassionate person is to do everything possible to alleviate the suffering of others and, more broadly, your own.

Compassion is built through understanding, acceptance and change. Thanks to this reflection, we can understand that, if we are compassionate towards others, but also towards ourselves, then we will be able to achieve happiness.

– When we experience a drama, two paths are open to us: either we lose hope and we destroy ourselves, or we make this tragic event a challenge to find our inner strength.

Often times, the people around us tend to bemoan their plight and lead a life filled with failure, constant grief, and no opportunity.

Suddenly, they do not realize that they are living in the past , which serves as an excuse not to move forward in life and thus neglect their “now” present and their future.

Obviously everyone has their own experience of life, but if we live in the past and spend our days thinking about what we could have done, then we cannot be aware of the “here and now”.

Yet the present is necessary for improvement, whatever its nature, but also for growth, and finally, for happiness.

– If your mind is calm and balanced, then your ability to enjoy a happy life will be greater. If we are able to dominate our mind, then we can be able to be happy.

Indeed, all thoughts and other fears that prevent us from carrying out actions that allow us to “touch” and experience happiness originate in our mind.

If we manage to remain calm, we can then reverse our energies, without barriers, and find the best solution in order to know how to manage our own internal conflicts, and to overcome them in a healthy and balanced way.

If we live with a mind that we cannot or do not know how to control, then we will generate problems and obstacles that do not exist, which will make it difficult for us if we want to achieve happiness.

– Most of our problems stem from our addiction to things that we mistakenly believe to be permanent.

Indifference is one of the most important principles of Buddhism. It is obvious that many of our sufferings arise because of the dependence that we develop for certain material things, for situations, or for people.

They generate in us a bond without which, in our eyes, we would suffer and we would not feel good.

For Buddhists, to be indifferent is not to feel this need created by an emotional connection; it is being aware of the fact that happiness does not depend on the tenderness of others or the number of things one can have.

Letting go is one of the most useful tools you can start using if at some point or another you feel it costs you to “let go” some situations.



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