Faced With Sad Eyes, Don’t Ask Questions And Give More Hugs

Faced with sad eyes, don't ask questions and give more hugs

When a person is sad, we tend to pester them with questions about what is going on, what they did to feel that way, how they feel, how we can help them etc.

But, sometimes sad eyes ask for fewer questions and more hugs.

When we feel bad and a storm of sadness invades us, our minds and bodies need the emotional support of friends and loved ones.


Normalization and validation of sadness

Often times, we don’t need words to comfort us, but patient hearts that listen to us and hug us when we go through emotionally complicated times.

The best way to help a person who is sad is simply by offering them our presence, without words, by putting a hand on their shoulder, a hand of tenderness and sincerity.

Because there are times when words are too much and all we need is to be left alone, to breathe and to put our thoughts in order.

Finally sadness encourages introspection.


Sadness, expression of a universal language

Sadness is the emotion of grief, loss and hurt. An experience which, even if it is negative, is healthy for us because it prompts a greater self-awareness of everything around us.

This emotional experience grows and remains when we perceive that we are feeling alone, because the discouragement increases and generates a bigger and bigger mountain that it is difficult for us to take on and which can lead to turning into illness or illness. an unstable emotional state.


Give a hug to his demons who come to tell us something

Blocking our emotions is a big mistake. This is what we learn from films like Inside Out.

Concretely sadness helps us, because of the lack of motivation, because it generates reflection, analysis and incitement to care for others.

So if we deny our sadness and don’t show it, we lose it all, we don’t get the opportunity to receive a long, tender hug that helps us remember that we are never alone.

The society of recipes for happiness obliges us to always be joyful and does not allow suffering because it is perceived as something abnormal and negative.

Sadness would take us to an unwanted place and ultimately we would fall into the trap of excess.


This is why a hug without questioning helps us to normalize sadness and also to accept it.

To regain self-confidence, it is essential that those around us do not judge and underestimate our emotional state.

Because there are hugs that help us put together the parts that are broken in our heart, accepting that our days are made up of nuances and circumstances, and understanding that our emotions must remain on the fringes of this supermarket of reasons and recipes to all.

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