Dawn Belongs To Lovers, Dreamers And Readers

Dawn belongs to lovers, dreamers and readers

At dawn, our thoughts fly like telegrams in search of recipients. It is this magical line between night and day in which die-hard readers, melancholy dreamers, creative minds and lovers live who, between caresses and confidences, undress themselves in their clothes and their emotions …

Dawn, as we can see, is not just the territory of insomniacs or night owls. In fact, it is a particularly evocative setting for our brain. This is where we feel liberated from external stimuli to connect with much more intimate, free and creative spaces. In fact, even our brain biochemistry is encouraged by other gears, very different from those that govern us during the day.

We know that humans adapt their biological cycles through the circadian rhythm. We are synchronized by this small and fascinating structure called the pineal gland which, when stimulated by light or inhibited by darkness, promotes the production of melatonin to orchestrate our cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Its participation in the arrival and the permanence of these two states is well known. But it also opens the door to other processes just as interesting, but less known than that of sleep-wake.

It is a moment when reading makes you want to read, because it seems more alive, because between this ocean of letters and our mind, an invisible artery is formed which pumps more strongly. The same thing happens with our creativity or even love.

Because at these times, when the city is off, the emotions light up and are more intense.


Current schedules prevent creativity and happiness

People are like creatures trapped in the sharpened timer needle. We live in expectation of these clocks which govern our working time, our feeding time and our leisure time. These schedules dictated by our society are not always in harmony with our needs. Work shifts or long working days that make family reconciliation impossible are accepted enemies that spoil part of our happiness.

“Night is half of life, and the better half”.


Neuroscientists like Paul Kelly, a researcher at the Institute for Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience at the University of Oxford, tell us that the professional world as well as the educational world is not at all respectful of circadian rhythms. According to him, all these practices will have the main effect of transforming our society into a tired society.

We live in a world where we value “presence” more than efficiency. Being physically at your workstation or desk doesn’t mean you give your best. The accumulated fatigue and the stress of these disrespectful schedules totally amputate the potential of our brains. Little by little, we submit to emotional entropy until we fall into the sad lethargy of unhappiness.


Dawn, the dreamers’ cozy nest

It is said that dawn is the cozy nest of dreamers, it is a moment when the stars whisper to each other and when some have the ability to hear them. Engaged in the titanic and uncompromising schedules and obligations of which we have just spoken, we hardly have time for these moments. But it is common that once the weekend arrives, our brain asks us for a nook, a few hours of respite, where it can free itself.

The process by which he achieves this is simply fascinating.

At night, the brain works at a different rate

The cerebral cortex is the area where a series of regions responsible for tasks such as attention, planning, working memory and rewards are concentrated.

  • It is an area that is very active during the day thanks to a regular supply of dopamine. However, when darkness caresses our pineal gland, this contribution decreases and invites contemplation.
  • The cerebral cortex, to put it that way, disconnects or goes into a “ stand by ” state because there are not so many external stimuli to transform, manage or confront.

Night, like dawn, are times of subtle complacency for the brain, which wants to focus on other areas. This is where the doors open to fascinating corners such as imagination, emotion, introspection or reflection.


It’s time for a different kind of energy

We are sure that you have already experienced it more than once; go to bed with a problem, clueless or preoccupied and suddenly you wake up at dawn with your mind clear and smooth as the surface of a mirror.

  • The answers are starting to arrive. Inspiration flourishes, emotions are refined, our ability to feel, connect ideas or visualize images when we read intensifies even more.
  • It is not magic or a supernatural ability. It is the engine of our neurochemistry, which sees the night as the perfect time to focus all of its energy and resources on the brain.

The mind goes blank and thoughts go to a different pace, there is more connectivity and the person enjoys more of certain activities that are not possible during the day.

Of course, because of the schedules, we can’t always take advantage of those moments that deprive us of a few hours of sleep. But, it is never too much to revel in this subtle and pleasant meditation that night and dawn offer us, where only the moon or the shy sun are the witnesses of our simple pleasures: dreaming, reading and loving. …


Images of Isabelle Arsenault

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