Good Things Happen To Those Who Know How To Be Patient

Good things happen to those who know how to be patient

Good things happen to those who know how to wait, who know the value of patience,  who know how to show diligence, effort and motivation.

Anything that demands temperance of us makes a halo of enthusiasm and illusion shine around us.

I like people who know that between “ planting and harvesting ” there is the step of “ watering and waiting ”.

It is vital to face the desperation, to resist this feeling of uncertainty that can come over us when we do not know if we are going to be able to get everything we want.

Spring always comes back

I remember that one winter my father needed firewood. So he went in search of a dead tree and cut it down. But, when spring came, I saw that from the stump of this tree new little branches sprouted. My father then said to me:

-I was sure that tree was dead. It had lost all its leaves in the winter. It was so cold that its branches broke and fell as if the old trunk no longer held an ounce of life. But you see, life has finally found its course in the trunk of that old tree.

And, looking at me, he said to me:

– Never forget this lesson. Never cut a tree in winter. Never make a negative decision in the face of adversity.

Never make big decisions when you’re in your worst state of mind. Hold on. Be patient. The storm will pass and spring will return.


Everything passes, everything happens and everything is transformed 

Any rewards will come in due time. Time is responsible for opening the doors of the undesirable, helping us to fight anxiety and awaken all our hopes.

 So the moment will come when we will be able to fulfill all our dreams and have a good life.

You have certainly heard a phrase like: “ Don’t make the mistake of making a permanent decision when you are going through temporary emotions ”.

This sentence perfectly circumscribes what patience is, this ability to relax and take a little perspective.

If we act without waiting for the best possible time, we score an own goal. Our skies will then darken and it will appear difficult for us to maintain hope in the achievement of our goals.


Be patient and get to know yourself

Knowing how to wait first requires patience in getting to know ourselves. 

We need to take the time to reflect and feel confident with our decisions. These are characteristics that we must strengthen in order to be able to understand the world around us.

Patience is a capacity which first requires a perfect knowledge of impulsiveness and unconsciousness.

It is through our mistakes that we learn to no longer want to pay the high price for our inconsistencies. But, what must we do to cultivate our patience, to be more careful, and to know how to wait?


Breathing deeply is always a good method of thinking calmly. It’s a great way to give yourself a break from your internal dialogue.

Find out the reason for your impatience

Think about the reasons why you act impulsively and impatiently. Organize your time and redefine your priorities. This will help you get to know yourself better and succeed in calming yourself down during the most intense times of your life.

Identify the things or people that are straining your patience

Sometimes certain people or things around us generate conflicts within us that cause us to act without thinking. Keep this in mind and try to take a step back to cultivate your patience.

Consider the usefulness and justification for your impatience

Is your impatience useful or justified? Answer these two questions sincerely, and try to calmly find the behavioral patterns that you repeat that keep you from doing things right.

Take your time and expect the unexpected

There is a quote from Jeff Foster that sums up the topic we just covered in this article perfectly well: “ Regardless of how things turn out, you always have to think about lowering your pace, breathing, quitting. try to solve everything, draw your own conclusions, then breathe again…

Cultivating our patience requires temperance, just like any other learning process. You must practice this ability with tolerance. Read the book of your life, write it and rewrite it, enjoy every chapter and every smile.


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