Type C Personality: Main Characteristics

Type C personality: main characteristics

The type C personality is defined by its two main characteristics: lack of negative expression and the need for harmony. We also speak of a “cancer-prone personality”.

The interest in demonstrating the influence of psychological aspects in the appearance and development of cancer has given rise to numerous studies. The majority of these are related to stress and personality characteristics. The work of Morris and Greer made it possible to speak for the first time of this personality.

“Type C subjects” are said to be emotionally contained in stress, especially anger. These would therefore be subjects that would demonstrate inadequate suppression or negative emotional expression (aggression, anger, rage, etc.). Other points have also been discovered over time. They made it possible to complete this profile.

Type C personality, compared to Type A and B personalities

The type A behavior profile would correspond to competitive individuals with an overload in terms of social competition. Their adaptive strategies make them people with an aggressive profile who strive for success and tend to occupy leadership positions.

These people cannot stand passivity. They fill their schedules with various activities. This term refers to a personality type associated with high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, and myocardial infarction.

On the contrary, individuals with the type B behavioral pattern are generally serene, confident, relaxed and open to even the most unpleasant emotions. We associate this approach with a better emotional balance. This justifies the fact that many people consider it to be the healthiest type of personality.

Finally, the Type C personality is a cooperative, complacent, conformist, perfectionist and hardworking personality. She avoids conflict at all costs and seeks harmony. These are people who are on the defensive and do not express negative emotions. Inhibition, emotional repression and self-aggression are generally their coping strategies.

The type C personality is a set of attitudes and behaviors that are carried out in stressful situations. They manifest themselves in unconventional attitudes and extreme cooperation. But also through a passive style of interaction and great control over negative emotions.

man with type C personality

What is the relationship between the type C personality and cancer?

Certain information associated with cancer has made it possible to expand these data on the study of the type C personality. We present them to you by following:

  • In 80% of cancer cases, the onset or development of the disease is conditioned by consumption habits, such as smoking or eating. Controlling risky habits and adopting healthy lifestyles can save many lives.
  • Psycho-neuroimmunology studies have revealed the influence of stress and emotions on the prognosis of the disease and on the survival of patients diagnosed with cancer.
  • People with very high negative emotional inhibition are more likely to suffer from some type of neoplasia.

For this reason, psychological factors like the type C personality can have a direct or indirect influence on the development of cancer. For this reason, identifying the personality characteristics of people who suffer from cancer will allow us to know and predict their coping strategies.

This provides a role for psychology: it has to identify certain personality styles. On the other hand, it must also provide solutions aimed at developing a more autonomous style of behavior with healthier behavior patterns.

type C personality and cancer

Thus, these findings can help us develop primary prevention strategies. On the one hand, for healthy people by reducing the risk of them developing this type of disease. And on the other hand, for people who have already developed it and are undergoing treatment.

It is therefore important to recognize the value of psycho-oncology. Indeed, constant counseling and emotional relief to the patient will help avoid confusion. It will also help to rule out lack of acceptance and other psychological alterations.


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