The Sensitive Person Says Little, But His Interior Speaks Every Moment

The sensitive person says little, but his interior speaks every moment

The sensitive person speaks his own language, that of emotions. It is a very intimate perceptual language, a language where the heart is always on edge and where one feels permanently vulnerable. However, these people understand very well that vulnerability can be an exceptional gift, a psychic “tendon” full of strength. There are dangers of course, but to minimize the risks, there is a powerful weapon: emotional intelligence.

The sensitive person has always been there, hidden and sometimes even diluted in the landscape. Likewise, we all know that it is not easy to live in a world that forces us to be similar, to react in the same way, to see reality through the same window … as if we all had the same diopters and spoke the same emotional language.

“When you are listening, you become sensitive, and to be sensitive is to have an inner perception of beauty, it is to have a sense of beauty.”

-Jiddu Krishnamurti-

The daily life of the hypersensitive person often takes the shape of a sea urchin or the thorny texture of a rose. Everything hurts a little more and everything moves more. This is strange in the eyes of a spectator who is immune or who does not know such sensitivity, in the eyes of a person who, without respect or conscience, does not hesitate to say sentences such as: “ You’re taking it all wrong, you should be “tougher” and stretch your muscles once and for all! ”

But how to do it ? According to the various works like those of Doctor Ted Zeff in his book

It is not possible to “be harder” when you have a brain that adapts to the world with another frequency . No one can transform into someone they are not, nor can anyone turn down the volume of their own emotions when they are overflowing, when the soul is speaking and when reality, all of a sudden, s ‘illuminates incredible nuances not visible to others.

The sensitive person and the too high volume of his environment

Maybe you have a friend or loved one you affectionately call “Look at me and don’t touch me”. His sense of smell and touch attracts attention. There are certain tissues that they cannot touch because they hurt, because they make it itchy, because they give him allergic reactions.

Sometimes a simple pinching or louder than normal sound causes severe pain in sensitive people. They are also the ones who, in the middle of a meeting or a party, end up withdrawing into a corner because they want to go home.

Their threshold of sensitive perception is different. In fact, as Judith Orloff, psychiatrist and author of Emotional Freedom explains:, all stimulation is multiplied by 50. Of course, everything is not painful, because this delicate threshold of perceptions and emotions has the capacity to develop. also harmonize with the beauty of life, and so intensely that many people do not notice it.

To say, therefore, that hypersensitivity is a gift is not a mistake, although the person must learn to be skillful to properly handle and filter every stimulation they receive. When she succeeds, when she succeeds in applying a protective shield against her environment to take care of her self-esteem and her personal integrity, she reaches an exceptional level of sensitive maturity.

It is these people who capture the singularity of the details, those who reach fullness in silence, in moments of precious solitude, where all activities, especially the artistic ones, become vibrant, like a synaesthetic explosion of sensations, of pleasures, subtle emotions difficult to explain for those who do not belong to these 20% of the population, in which we find hypersensitive people.

The hypersensitive person and his world of silence

Alex stayed for coffee with his sister after work. He explains to her that he has spent the day with a knot in his stomach and that he feels deeply exhausted. His boss made comments to him about his duties as a sales manager, small criticisms that Alex didn’t take well. In fact, they affected him so much that his colleagues laughed about them all day, sarcastically. Worse still, he knows that at work, he is nicknamed  “drama-queen”. 

This simple example gives rise to a complex reality that many hypersensitive people experience and know that it is not just for women. Half of the hypersensitive population is male, and it is the men who are the most constrained by a society which does not yet view “the sensitive man” favorably. A person who lives his emotions on edge, who is hurt by criticism, who cries easily, who prefers solitary sports and who always feels empathy for those around him.

Even if hypersensitivity is a subject known to the general public, people who continue to curl up in this silent corner from which they observe and are silent, where they do not stand out and who maintain a safe distance so as not to suffer , are numerous. Everyone survives as best they can in a world of obstacles, we know that. However, respect and the principle of life: “to be and to let be” should be felt in all our environments so that we all reach a true personal fullness.

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