5 Sentences On The Importance Of Knowing How To Wait

5 sentences about the importance of knowing how to wait

Knowing how to wait is quite an art. A person who has developed this talent proves that he has reached a significant degree of personal development. Because it requires self-control, tolerance for frustration, temperance, and the ability to see reality with hindsight.

When we are born, we are the complete opposite of that. The baby does not put off meeting his needs. He wants what he asks for and demands it immediately. If he does not succeed, he despairs and begins to cry.

Knowing how to wait is therefore a strength that can only be acquired with time, experience and work on oneself. It is a great quality that protects and strengthens in the face of adversities. She allows us to overcome bad times with a great attitude. Great thinkers are well aware of this and that is why they have offered us wonderful maxims on this subject. Here are a few.

1. The pleasure of knowing how to wait

If there are many people who cultivate the art of knowing how to wait, it is hunters and fishermen. It is for this reason that one of Joseph Antoine René Joubert’s sentences says:  “The pleasure of hunting is the pleasure of waiting”.  As we see, in this case the expectation is not seen as a sacrifice but as something that brings satisfaction.

The expectation of the hunter is an active expectation. It is part of the challenge of capturing its prey. The only way to catch her is to give her time to get out of her hiding place and give her the opportunity to act.

The same is happening with fishermen. Basically, it is a metaphor for life. Not all times are right. You have to wait for the right moment and know how to act when it presents itself.

know how to wait

2. The best way to wait

Here is a sentence from Gustave Flaubert:  “you have to wait when you are in despair and walk when you are waiting”This is precisely the paradox of “knowing how to wait”. This does not mean remaining passive, but moving in the right direction.

Active waiting is related to not just watching the time go by. It is important to keep moving forward,  even if that breakthrough is limited or does not offer exactly what we are looking for at this precise moment.

3. It is better not to have expectations

Part of the art of “knowing how to wait” consists in not projecting oneself into the future,  especially when it is linked to possible problems but not present. Very often we waste time trying to solve problems that have not even arisen.

This is what Julia Navarro reminds us of when she tells us:  “When we get to the river, we will talk about the bridge”. Returning to the metaphor, we do not know if we will arrive at the river. We may never reach it, but we spend our time and our lives building that bridge in our imaginations.

know how to wait

4. Wait with hope

This sentence from Samuel Johnson says the following:  “It is necessary to hope, even if hope must always be frustrated, for  it is a blessing and its failures, however frequent they are, are less horrible than its extinction” .

As Johnson says, hope in itself is a blessing. It means looking to the future with optimism and positive expectations. Even if what we expect does not come true, our attitude will be a plus for our life. Despair is the death of all illusion. With it, life begins to lose value.

5. Everything is right …

This is one of the simplest but also the most explicit sentences on the subject of waiting. She says the following:  “All comes at the right time to those who know how to wait”. The author of this maxim is Henry W. Longfellow. He summarized, in a single sentence, everything that can be said about this ability to know how to wait.

Very often we don’t get what we want because we don’t persevere enough. However, sometimes it takes time and this time can be considerable. This long wait can cause us to rush into action or to abandon our goal prematurely. We forget that the more we persevere, the more likely we are to get what we are looking for.

Knowing how to wait is linked to maturity, balance and character. It is one of the most difficult battles in life, but also one of the most beautiful and rewarding. The one who knows how to wait also knows how to live.


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Our thoughts Our thoughts

Adopting a positive attitude allows us to enjoy our daily life more. Impatience will take us away from this goal.

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