5 Sentences That Hurt Your Other Half

5 phrases that hurt your other half

Arguments within a couple are perfectly normal. If there is no argument, then the relationship is probably distant and cold, leaving no room for recriminations.

When there is love, there is always a little bit of hate, and you don’t have to worry at all.

However,  you can get angry and bicker for a few moments, but sending each other words with aggressive content can seriously hurt and upset your other half.

If expressions of anger are related to nonconformity or worry, they can generate tension, but not deep hurt.

On the other hand, if the tone of the conflict rises and the messages no longer express embarrassment but are clearly used to denigrate or degrade your other half, it becomes more complicated.

Here are expressions to avoid at all costs if you want to maintain a healthy relationship.


Shut your mouth !

The imposed silences are strongly aggressive. To prevent someone from saying what they think or what they feel is like choking them completely.

There is no valid reason for you to demand that your other half be silent.

If you don’t feel able to listen to this person, just ask them to put the conversation on hold and put it off.

It is very likely that this demand for silence will not lead to any success. However, it will end the communication between you two.

Offensive adjectives

It is said that “the tongue is the only muscle that breaks bones”. A person’s self-esteem can be deeply hurt if you call them “nerd”, “moron,” or other words.

The sole purpose of offensive adjectives is to humiliate the other. They diminish, demean and sometimes reduce the condition of a person. Thus, sometimes animal names are used to offend the other.

These adjectives cause anger and suffering to those who receive them and guilt to those who say them.


The threats

One of the quickest ways to break down the respect built between two people is to end the relationship whenever a problem arises, and then apologize after reconciling.

“This time it’s over!” is one of the phrases that can be said when a couple is arguing.

If you’re not really ready to end this relationship, it’s best to say nothing. If you say so, then in reality you don’t want to solve the problem, but rather manipulate your other half with the threat of abandonment.

These threats only generate a feeling of resentment in your partner, and a lack of credibility in you.

Therefore, communication is broken and it is marked by the idea that words have no value. They are simply said and nothing is to be taken seriously.

Insults against the family

Talking badly about your other half’s family is also a low blow that will provoke strong hostility.

Phrases like “you look more and more like your mother!” or “as long as you don’t end up like your brother” are unacceptable.

These sentences show a strong desire to attack an opinion or a way of acting. Their goal is to hurt. Thus, they only make the problem worse, regardless of its origin.


couple disputes

I can not stand you anymore !

To say that your other half is insufferable is to say that the way they feel, think or act has no place in your emotional world. It is a form of rejection with a strong emotional character.

These kinds of expressions cause a significant blockage in the couple’s communication. They imply a great difficulty to arrive at a mutual acceptance and to set up a certain negotiation to understand each other.

It is normal for a couple to have to face some difficulties and that sometimes it is necessary to raise the tone.

However, in order to maintain good mental health and build a lasting relationship, you need to prevent anger from pushing you into saying words that will have serious consequences in the future.

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