The Child And His Pet

The child and his pet

One of the most famous French writers and wonderful, Anatole France, uttered a phrase that goes to the heart: .

This is why the child and his animal are able to create a bond that nothing and no one can ever break.

It is obvious that love is one of the most wonderful feelings that can be harbored in the heart of a human being.

But it is not exclusive to humans. Animals are also capable of feeling passion and intensity, just like us.

The importance of the bond between the child and his animal

Since having the unconditional love of an animal is wonderful, it is important to think about encouraging the adoption of a pet that serves as a bond for our little ones, and brings them values ​​and happiness.

Moreover, since it is “theirs”, it represents a perfect excuse to give them responsibilities.


One of the organizations that has researched the developmental benefits of animals the most is the Fundación Affinity.

This organization has carried out a large number of studies which demonstrate the importance and the benefits of the animal bond.

From their findings, we derive countless benefits for our children, as it tends to improve the quality of life of the whole family, promote stress reduction, the index of depression and even physical and mental balance.

The bond between a child and his animal

In the case of children, according to studies carried out by the cited foundation, there are also a series of benefits that will allow them to be more fulfilled, happy, independent, responsible and tender.

Let’s see how the educational and social development of the little one improves:

  • A child who has an animal that he adores is responsible for his care and feeding in an autonomous, altruistic and generous way. As is obvious, all these values ​​are stimulated thanks to the bond with the animal.
  • The child who feels responsible for an animal and enjoys its care greatly improves his self-esteem. The child who feels useful, knows that he is doing a good job, and gains a lot of confidence in his possibilities and abilities.
  • The good environment generated by the relationship between a child and his domestic animal also allows the little one to improve his family integration. An animal can be a very strong connector between members of a group.
  • The fact that a child learns to respect his animal from an early age allows him to become aware of the need to respect other people, his entourage and the environment.
  • The child who takes care of his animal knowing that it is doing him good gains in security and competence. Thus, he feels more responsible, but also with a greater emotional balance. In fact, 46% of children see their companion as a source of stronger emotional support.
  • An animal is excellent support for the child during bad times. Sadness or fear is alleviated by the companionship of the animal, which unconditionally offers itself to help its young friend.

How to create a link between the child and his animal?

For there to be a link between a child and an animal, it is necessary to take into account a series of important precepts:

  • It should not be forced. It has to arise naturally. However, if the child takes on responsibilities like making sure the animal is getting enough food, has clean water, or is clean, the link will appear.
  • During walks, it is important that the little one accompanies the adult and participates in the experience. It will also help in the natural creation of the link.
  • In addition to responsibility, the child should recognize the animal as a source of games and entertainment. The two will thus forge an indissoluble and very enriching union.

Other interesting data on children and animals

According to studies conducted by the Fundación Affinity, people who had contact with animals during childhood tend to have fewer problems in their interpersonal relationships, are more cheerful and motivated, and feel less threatened.

It is a good idea to want to create an indissoluble bond between the child and his animal, a bond that will mark them in their life and make them happier, fulfilled and joyful. A nice gesture that will accompany them forever.

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