Overwork Or When We Experience Chronic Fatigue

Overwork presents itself as a whirlwind that causes us to fall, leaving us exhausted and without strength, neither mental nor physical.
Overwork or when we experience chronic fatigue

There are times when we fall apart. We find it difficult to do what we normally do because the stress exceeds our limits. When this happens, it could be overuse. When we go through chronic fatigue or overwork, we can feel really overwhelmed. This is why it is important to recognize when this is happening. This way we can strategize to deal with it.

What are the characteristics of chronic fatigue syndrome? How to cope ? What is it about ? We invite you to take a tour to understand these questions through our post. Let’s get started!

Overwork, what is it?

Have you ever felt your body and mind telling you “enough”? It could be simple overwork. These are situations where we have reached our limits and do not know how to deal with them.

Although in some contexts it is used to talk about stress, it is mostly used to talk about wear and tear at work. For this reason, it is also associated with the stress suffered by those who have the most responsibility in companies.

It is a term that is used more and more. This is a word that began to be used in France and gradually spread to other parts of the world.

It can be confused with burnout syndrome, and in fact no guidelines have been established to differentiate them. It’s a word that has emerged quite informally.

Overwork in a woman


We could identify that we are going through overwork by its characteristics. Here are a few :

  • Impatience
  • Strong competitiveness
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Excessive commitment to work
  • Thinking too much about the future
  • Feeling that everything must be perfect
  • Lack of flexibility or tolerance for frustration
  • Feeling of being overloaded
  • Gradual decrease in energy to do things
  • Insomnia
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Lack of motivation for previously enjoyable activities
  • Mood changes associated mainly with: aggressiveness, irritability and indifference towards others
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Psychosomatic alterations

With these symptoms, the person may have difficulty functioning properly in all areas. It is therefore something that should not be neglected, and it is necessary to know how to manage it in order to have greater well-being.

How to deal with overwork?

First of all, you need to know how to identify it. We can all experience stress, and this is normal because it helps us to be vigilant, thus becoming an essential mechanism for our survival. On the other hand, our psychological muscles also have a limit from which our state of mind begins to erode.

However, to recognize it, one must be attentive to the signals; those emitted by our environment, those emitted by our body, those associated with our results, etc. They are the ones who will indicate that we are going through a moment of particular vulnerability.

How to deal with overwork?

On the other hand, we could try to end the day, that is to say, disconnect, because if we keep thinking incessantly about questions that are open or did not turn out as planned, we risk to fall into ruminations that will do us harm.

In addition, we could work on emotional intelligence, to achieve greater security of our own abilities. And, be more optimistic; we can start by getting rid of negative thoughts and omens of the future that do not help much.

One of the reasons we hit the limit is because we procrastinate. Then, to avoid overwork, we can start to be more productive, prioritizing and redirecting concerns.

On the other hand, let’s not leave out the rest of the areas of our life. If we focus only on work, we will leave out the other activities from which we are reinforcing.

Overwork is a place that can accommodate all of us for space. Staying away from it helps us to have a better quality of life, because as Jordi Cebrià-Andreu says in his article entitled “ The syndrome of professional wear and tear as a public health problem ”, overwork can plunge us into behaviors. extremes, which distort our self-image and put us in permanent dissonance.


Stress and muscle tension
Our thoughts Our thoughts

We will see how stress affects our body, and how to fight it so that it does not translate into muscle tension.

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