With Closed Eyes And Daydreams

With closed eyes and daydreams

Dreams fulfill an extraordinary role in our life, when they are in balance and in harmony with it.

There are as many dreams as there are people on our planet, but often out of fear, shame or despair, we have a habit of putting a lock on our ability to dream, locking it up out of fear of being hurt and by giving up a wonderful part of our being.

Let’s grab the key that unlocks dreams, throw it into the sea and, if it comes back, throw it away again. Without realizing it, each time we grab it we get a little bigger, but not being wiser or happier.

It is a silent and tenacious process that goes against our nature and undermines our hope, a wise and touching hope, which simply makes us human and awakens us to live a new day. and not to endure another day.

Moreover, at the same time as we lock up our dreams and our hope, on the steel wire of the same lock we also add the imagination and the capacity that we have to plan.

We banish anything that is not part of the routine and we are relieved when the days go by and look the same.

Some people are not that radical and always look ahead, setting easy goals for themselves, which don’t require the sacrifice of the “normalcy” they are trying to maintain.

They fear losing what little self-esteem they have and seek to minimize the chances of not achieving a goal on the first attempt or in a short period of time.

These people are the ones who will only get on a boat if they know in advance that the wind is going to blow in their favor, that there is not going to be a storm, and that the most experienced captain in the navy is in command. of the ship.

They are those who do not take risks not afraid of not winning and those who do not walk, for fear of finding stones in their path.

As you know, there are other types of people who have dreams that are closely related to very selective goals, people who are truly amazing, and who challenge their abilities.

Inside their box of illusion, one could say that there are two types of dreams: those which they think they can achieve in the short and medium term and those which are in relation with a future that they build little by little.

These two types of dreams are essential, because some bring us continuous and extraordinary learning and strength, while the others outline a life that fascinates us and that we adore.

Finally, there are people who never set foot on the ground. In other words, they live more in the future than in the present.

Their dreams are generally very big, but also little elaborate and motivating, that is to say little oriented towards the action.

These people are the ones we all know as dreamers,  souls who constantly live on a roller coaster of emotions, removed from their current life configuration.

In this sense, they are grown-up children whose character is generally innocent and who have a passive attitude towards the present.

These people can’t stand routine and their favorite activity is to start new things, something they share with our second type of people.

However,  these are true lovers of the beginnings because the projects they complete are very rare.

We have described three types of dreamers as if they are three color s, but in reality most of us do not fill any of the profiles exclusively, although we can get closer to one profile than others.

Most likely, depending on when we are and what facet or environment we are referring to, we come closer to the “dream triangle”, thus strengthening our plurality and development.

On the other hand, it seems that the happiest people are those of the second type.

In any case, if we are closer to people of the first or third type, it would seem that the third type is more suitable with our essence allowing us to freely use our wings.

So although the ability to dream has been in us from birth, we have the choice in our hands to make our dreams come true or to leave them in a safe.

Let’s choose the most beautiful illusions and put our wings to the test, because they are the only ones that allow us to nourish our freedom, to travel the skies and to cultivate our mind by learning the language of the moon.

It is only when you understand the language of the moon that you begin to understand the importance of feeding on clouds of color and breathing starlight, all with the precise illusion of doing what you desire. really …

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