A Child Is Spontaneous, Loud, Emotional And Colorful

A child is spontaneous, loud, emotional and colorful

A child is not born to be calm, not to touch things, to be patient or to distract himself on his own.

A child is not born to sit, watch TV, or play with a tablet. A child does not want to be silent all the time.

Children need to move, explore, look for new things, create adventures and discover the world around them. They are learning, they are sponges, born players, treasure seekers, potential earthquakes.

They are free, they are pure souls who want to fly, not to stay on the side or to be chained. Do not make them slaves to adult life, to the hustle and bustle and lack of imagination of adults.

Do not put pressure on them in our world of disenchantment.

Stimulate their capacity for wonder, guarantee them an emotional, social and cognitive life rich in content, flower scents, sensory expressions, joys and discoveries. .


What Happens In A Child’s Brain When They Play?

The benefits of play for children at all levels (physiological-emotional, behavioral and cognitive) is no mystery. In fact, we can talk about the multiple interconnected repercussions it has on them:

  • It regulates morale and anxiety.
  • It promotes attention, learning and memory.
  • It reduces neuronal tension by promoting calm, well-being and happiness.
  • It amplifies the physical motivation thanks to which the muscles react.
  • All this promotes an optimal state of imagination and creativity, which helps them to enjoy all the fantasy that surrounds them.

Society has gradually fueled hyperparentality or, what is the same thing, the obsession of parents that their children have specific skills that guarantee a good profession in the future. It is often forgotten that in society, the worth of children is not measured by their grades in school. Not giving up on that relentlessness for results is neglecting the life skills every child needs.


Simplify childhood, educate well

That each person is unique is something we say often, but few have really internalized. This is reflected in a simple fact: we establish a set of rules to educate each of our children.

This is a very common mistake and this is why the confluence between our beliefs and our actions is often conflicting in education.

On the other hand, as US teacher and coach Kim Payne asserts, we educate our children in the excess of certain things:

  • Too much information
  • Too many things
  • Too many choices
  • Too much speed

We prevent them from exploring, reflecting or freeing themselves from the tensions that come with everyday life. We stuff them with technology, toys and school and extra-curricular activities, we denature childhood and more importantly, we prevent them from playing and developing.

Today, children spend less time in the open air than people who are in prison. Why ? Because we keep them “busy” with other activities that we think are more necessary, taking care that they do not get stained.

This is intolerable and above all, extremely worrying. Let’s analyze some of the reasons why we should change this:

  • Excessive hygiene increases the possibility of children developing allergies, as a study from the hospital in Sweden has shown.
  • Not allowing them to enjoy the outdoors is torture that locks up their creative and development potential.
  • Leaving them on the screen of your phone, tablet, computer or television is highly harmful at the physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral levels.

We could go on like this, but surely you have other ideas in mind, which show that we are gradually destroying the magic of childhood. As educator Francesco Tonucci says :

“The experience of the children should be the food of the school: their life, their surprises, their discoveries. My teacher always made us empty our pockets in class because they were full of witnesses from the outside world: little animals, ropes, images, marbles… Today we should do the opposite, ask the children to show us what they are doing. have in their pockets. Thus, the school would open up to life, welcoming children with their knowledge and working around it ”.

It is without a doubt a much healthier way to work with them, to educate them and to guarantee their success. If at some point you forget it, always keep this sentence in mind: If the children do not need to go to shower urgently, it is because they did not play enough” . It is the fundamental basis of a good education.

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