A Teacher Works For Eternity

Teaching is often a task unloved and little recognized, yet it is of incalculable value. As an example, we can all name this teacher whom we remember with special affection: for what he taught us, for what we learned.
A teacher works for eternity

Being a teacher is a profession with great responsibility. Indeed, his task is invaluable. This is why the teacher must have a good basic training and be constantly trained. It is not enough to impart knowledge.

He must be the intermediary between this knowledge and the student, promote values ​​and at the same time, be an expert in many things: new technologies, resource management, evaluation, emotional intelligence, etc.

A good teacher takes care of each of his students. He gives an inclusive education, he shows empathy and  focuses on learning more than teaching. We are talking about an integral education allowing the pupil to learn to manage for the life which awaits him.

A teacher helping a student

The role of the teacher and the importance of collaboration

With the new challenges in education, the role of the teacher is changing. It is no longer a simple transmitter of knowledge,  it becomes a guide in the teaching / learning process.

Coordination between teachers plays an important role here. It offers learning opportunities between professionals. We share conflicts, we reduce stress and excess work.

Teamwork is learned from the experiences of others, from different points of view and we exchange different ways of doing things. Help and collaboration increase motivation and the desire to carry out activities and projects with other teachers by forming a team.

All of this improves knowledge management. This improves students’ attention  and allows them to know what to do in other subjects to connect them with their own.

Much more than giving lessons

Every teacher works with knowledge and with individuals. He’s not just the subject matter expert or someone who knows how to listen and love his students, or a mixture of all of that. He is also someone who enjoys doing what he does and with whom he does it, someone who has his own goals to achieve.

According to Aristotle, it is not enough to impart knowledge. You can teach and love your students at the same time without having to capture any of its elements.

To teach a subject, it is not only important to dominate its content. We must also  find meaning in this content that we teach. At the same time, there are other important aspects such as defining roles, delimiting responsibilities, discussing and negotiating work and evaluation systems.

To instill values, to contribute to creativity, to think critically and to encourage cooperation. Indeed, it is not only important to teach how much is two and two or the names of rivers in France.

A teacher questions a student

Being a teacher: teaching with passion

A teacher who does their job with passion builds a relationship with the student that goes beyond the classroom. In fact, we weave a relationship of mutual aid and admiration. A job for the student to learn and surpass himself, not just for a student to end the year with a particular grade.

Teaching work is associated with leaving an imprint in someone’s life forever. The strength of a teacher is very transformative if you believe in what you are doing. Teachers have the power to transform society.

Teachers can also introduce the collaborative learning We work on creativity and discovery. In addition, emphasis is placed on the effective development of the skills necessary for students to thrive in society.

People who are passionate about teaching, motivated people and who update their knowledge  to do their job in the best possible way. People who are grateful to be teachers, people who enjoy working with others.


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