A Woman’s Heart Is The Strongest Place In The World

A woman's heart is the strongest place in the world

Anyone who says that a woman’s heart is weak is completely wrong. Few things throb with so much force, give so much light to this life and bring so much essence to this world, as the soul of a woman who loves her own; soul where consciousness, emotions, balance and intuition penetrate.

It is a huge space where everyone enters, where everyone is pampered, and where external standards do not exist, because the soul of a woman is faithful to her principles and her values.

She fought so many times that she made the choice to keep her victories to herself and to regard the disappointments as paths that had to be traveled in order to learn a lesson.


A woman’s heart sometimes bears scars, but this does not mean that the woman is weakened. She knows that life is not always easy, and that disappointments leave their mark … The pain of the experience allows her to gain in resistance.


We live in a society where most people value the character traits associated with humans, such as dominance, power, assertiveness, and thoughtfulness.

In fact, these are concepts which do not define man himself, but modernity and this society which exalts certain values ​​which rarely correspond to the true human essence.

On the other hand, and in an almost traditional way, we have always left in the background these other aspects which, them, define the feminine character, as if in a certain way, one associates them with the “weakness”: the intuition, emotions, sensitivity, empathy …

Linking these dimensions to human fragility is a serious mistake. A woman’s heart is founded on these pillars, and this is precisely what forges her great strength. Read the rest of this article to find out more.

Only you know the battles you fought


What a woman has gone through and what she has had to come to terms with throughout her life, only she knows.

She prefers to keep these things quiet, because they are chapters of her life that she must keep to herself in order to found her own life.


We cannot change parents, the people who brought us into the world. We cannot change those people we have met on our way either, or even change the world itself. On the other hand, if there is indeed something that one can do, it is to create oneself: accept, let go, and stand up with the pride of a thousand armies.


All the battles we wage must build our strength and allow us to determine which paths we should take, and which ones we should not venture into.

Indeed, comes an age when your woman’s heart becomes calm. To be wise, sometimes, is to accumulate many disappointments, but it is also to remember the fact that life would not be the same if it were devoid of illusions.

All the wounds you’ve healed

There are those who let themselves be conquered. There are those who succumb to these unsuccessful relationships, and those who keep quiet and let themselves be carried away for fear of reacting, for fear of being alone or perhaps making things worse.

The heart of a strong woman is also courageous. This woman knew how to break all the bonds which one day wounded her. She now knows that sometimes there comes a point in life when you have to think of yourself first.

Being strong is not about having muscles, or showing strength or brutality.

Being strong doesn’t mean closing your eyes and pretending nothing has happened.

Being strong is knowing how to find yourself, identify your own needs, and be able to take care of yourself and live again.


A woman’s heart is not afraid to connect with her essence

Your essences are those which give you strength.

You know how to listen to this inner voice that connects with the distant and unites you with the wounds of the world.

You can read other people’s faces, you anticipate their reactions, you sense their sadness, and their joys rub off on you.

Of course, there will always be someone to tell you that you are a witch . But you smile in silence, because obviously  “you don’t know everything” , and  what guides you is the loyalty and love of your loved ones.

In your heart it has the lives of yours, but also this space that you reserve for yourself

Anyone who says that everything goes into a woman’s heart is sorely mistaken. You have come to a point in your life when you know very well who has a place in your heart and who does not.


When a woman is betrayed, she learns to lock her heart, then she breathes quietly, and she enjoys her freedom.


Today your heart beats serenely, for you have left the tides of your past behind you, and you know that some people are hurtful.

The fact of closing the doors of one’s heart to anyone who has done nothing to stay there is not to be selfish, but to be wise, to be careful, and above all, to take care of oneself.

And indeed, in your wise soul, live the beings you love the most and who give meaning to your life.

Your heart is the most beautiful place where a child can grow up, and it is the most beautiful place to share with this companion who so deserves it …

Now, if there is anything that you know well, it is that a woman’s heart also deserves a great space for herself, to take care of her, to heal herself, to be free and happy with herself.




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