“And The People Stayed At Home “, A Touching Poem

When Pandora’s box was opened, all the evils on the planet escaped him. After realizing this, Pandora closed the box and remained hopeful. Hope is the message of this beautiful poem “And the People Stayed Home”, a poem that has captivated thousands of people around the world.

“And the people stayed at home” is the name of a poem that has circulated in recent weeks on various social networks. We have been told that it was a document written in 1800, during one of the many plagues that plagued mankind.

Over the days, we learned that was not correct. The author of “And the People Stayed at Home” is Kitty O’Meara, a woman who has worked as a teacher and as a spiritual assistant in hospices and hospitals in the United States. It was the pandemic we know today that inspired her.

The text caught the attention of many people and that’s why it didn’t take long for it to go viral. One of the things that makes this poem very special is the echo of hope present in its lines.

“And the people stayed at home” reminds us that it is possible to find the light again during a dark time.

“And the people stayed at home…”

The poem begins with this phrase which, for many of us, signifies a radical departure from the way we have lived until now. Suddenly, the present and the future became more than uncertain. We were forced into confinement and it changed our plans, cut our relationships, changed our idea of ​​tomorrow.

Then came the perplexity, the question of what to do. Most of us don’t live in big houses with huge gardens and an ocean view. We should therefore learn to live and navigate on a daily basis in small, small spaces, sometimes inadequate, which also harbor individual and collective conflicts.

Many of us have done the activities listed in the poem. “And I read books and listened. And he rested and exercised. Then I created and I played ”. The author thus tried to find other ways to take advantage of the time and limit uncertainty.

At best, we’ve got to know ourselves. “And I learned new ways of being, of being still. Then it stopped. And I listened more carefully. Some have meditated. Some prayed. And some danced. Some have found their shadows. ”

“And people started to think differently”

The second part of the poem concerns our immediate future. What we hope will happen, because such a strong experience, like the one the whole world is going through, should be used to learn lessons. Who are we ? What do we do ? What is our connection with nature?

This internal change gives birth to something new : “And the people were healed.” In this case, healing does not refer exclusively to overcoming a physical illness, but to purifying areas of our mind that we may not have noticed.

Questions arise about the value of life, solidarity and harmonious coexistence with the Earth we inhabit. We also wonder about the leaders we choose and the goals we set for ourselves based on ambitions that sometimes have no limit.

Healing is rediscovering what is essential, which makes us truly human beings.

“And they completely healed the Earth”

If man gets over it, thanks to universal solidarity and collective commitment, the world is getting over it too. The poem continues: “And, in the absence of people living in ignorance and danger, foolish and heartless, the Earth began to get better. ” Like a chain effect that begins in us, in confinement at home, then reaches the rest.

It is about rising above what we have been and what we have done. To learn to think again, in a different way. Only then can the knot be untied and Pandora’s box will close.

At the end, the poem gives us a hopeful scene. He said: “And when the danger passed, and the people came together again, they cried for their dead, they made new decisions, they dreamed of new visions, they created new ways of living. and they completely healed the earth, just as they had been healed. ”

This beautiful poem begins with “And the people stayed at home” and ends with “and they completely healed the earth, just as they had been healed”. Hopefully, more than a beautiful text, it is a prophecy. If we accomplish the task given to us, I hope that is what awaits us: a better world.

Our thoughts Our thoughts

Group cooperation is more important than ever today. It is even she who will allow us to get through this crisis.

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