At Home, I Deserve That You Treat Me Better

Home, I deserve that you treat me better

At home, I deserve that you treat me better. I will take this opportunity, in front of the mirror, to tell you what you are doing to me. Have you ever noticed that what you say to me, you say it to yourself?

I tolerated a lot of things, disqualifications, and even criticism. Why are you so unlovable to me? Did you forget that we are the same person?

I want you to know this is not a letter of reproach. Dear me, for the reproaches, you are enough on your own.

What I would like to achieve with this letter is that you understand that there are a lot of things that you do not see. Stop focusing on what only hurts you.

Stop feeling sorry for myself

At home, how many times have I heard you complain about me? Too many times. You don’t show much respect for who we are. Self-pity seems to be one of your favorite sports and you never allow yourself to see the positives.


Are you going to spend your life wondering why you don’t get what you deserve? Did you think you got more than you deserve?

I would like you to stop for a moment in front of the mirror and instead of criticizing your nose or your stomach, which you thank for your legs, which allow you to walk and move forward.

Maybe you don’t see it that way, but feeling pity for yourself won’t help you. If it was at least constructive criticism that compelled you to do something, it would be worth it.

What if you stop insulting me?

Whenever you have the chance, you call me every name. Dear me, how would you feel about trying a little to understand that your physical characteristics do not define you? Seriously! Think about it and you will see that it is reality.

Instead of calling me “the fat” or “the fat”, you could call me “nice”. Stop seeing in me only the negative. I am more than that. I am intelligent, pleasant, etc.

If you dislike this defect so much, work to change it. There is no point in going your way complaining. I would like so much that in the same way that you beautify my exterior, you work on your interior.

Surround me with people who love us

Dear me, it’s already very difficult to face the nicknames you give me. But that you regroup with my friends with the sole objective of criticizing me is really not nice. Have you ever thought that you surrounded yourself with too many toxic relationships?

I don’t just deserve that you treat me better. You could also try to socialize with people who allow you to be better. People who help you see the good things in you, and who help you improve your daily life.

Leave behind the gossip and all that nonsense that doesn’t help anyone. Why don’t you go out with that friend who tells you all the time how handsome / beautiful you are? You are, you have to believe it.

Challenge us!


When’s the last time you did something you didn’t think we would do together? At home I really think you don’t know me.

You are afraid to challenge yourself because you are afraid to fail. The ironic thing is, you’ve already failed when you convince yourself that we won’t.

Whatever the goal, I want you to challenge me. Let’s break our limits and achieve our dreams . I’m trying to tell you through desires and hopes, but you only respond by thinking about reality.

Can you tell me what reality is? Because as I see it myself, reality is only what you allow yourself to accept. Let me show you all the potential you have!

At my place, be yourself

The last thing I want to ask you is to be you. With so many obligations, fears, doubts and frustrations, I don’t really know where we are. I’m just asking you to be that kid who laughed out loud and believed in his dreams again.

I know that life is hard and that it has disappointed you a lot. I also know that your heart has often been broken. But this is life: love, believe, laugh, cry, dream and start over.

Please don’t relegate me to the side. I only ask you that we live with passion, and as if the world ends today. I do not know if tomorrow we will still be here to do it.

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