Depression And Anxiety Are Not Signs Of Weakness

Depression and anxiety are not signs of weakness

Depression and anxiety are not synonymous with weakness, nor even the consequence of personal choice; they are not the result of a choice.

No. Emotional issues don’t work that way. When we are not well, we do not say to ourselves “I like to feel bad, suddenly I slip into a pit of sadness or anxiety to see if I am drowning or not” .

These are not signs of weakness or fragility or even poverty of mind, in the same way as carelessness.


We could say that they are rather signs of struggle, of struggle against adversities or in the face of embarrassing and painful personal situations, losses, bad experiences and uncertainties.


Depression and anxiety are not personal choices

It can happen to anyone. One fine day, all the things that used to make sense to you become meaningless, nothing encourages or motivates you anymore, you have a hard time getting out of bed, and you feel deeply sad or irritable.

Sometimes everything overwhelms us, our breathing suddenly quickens, and we feel unable to face life in a “quick and easy” way.

In a way, one feels conquered by the circumstances, devoid of strength and envy. This state comes and goes, or sticks to our skin.

We then begin to think that we should perhaps consult a specialist to confirm that we are indeed “disabled” because of a deep sadness or a terrible worry that makes us feel incapable. to struggle on a daily basis.


When you face the loss of a loved one, you feel overwhelmed; we cannot understand what is going on, or even why it is happening.



Consequently, one sinks into anxiety and / or depression; we avoid leaving our home as much as possible, or when we do, we feel bad, we no longer find any pleasure in indulging in activities that once were pleasant to us or in forging links with the people who we used to surround.

In short, everything seems insurmountable to us, and yet it is indeed possible to get out of there.

To do this, we must agree to be helped by a professional who will support us by explaining things to us and who will give emotional coherence to this situation by helping us to overcome it.


Going through one of the most important steps in the process is essential: asking for help and receiving psychological support in order to balance our emotional state and “heal” our thoughts.

Comments that drown us

This is where the object of this article lies: our relationship with those around us changes.

The situation in which we find ourselves is not comfortable for anyone, and suddenly, the criticisms end up arising, and the comments and attitudes full of incomprehension, by invading us.

“If you are in this state, it’s because you want to”, “Get up and do something with your life”, “You are weak”, “You are cowardly”, “Face life and stop with your nonsense ”…

These words feed all the more our sadness, our apathy and our anxiety in the face of everyday life.

To these comments and other attitudes are added all these negative thoughts that parasitize our mind; suddenly, the mind and the world of the anxious and / or depressed person darken more.


Obviously, this indirectly invites us to live in inertia and to isolate ourselves even more, as well as to reinforce the vicious circle which pushed us into this trap.

In the society in which we live, we must show great cruelty in the face of psychological and emotional pain, those considered second, third or fourth. In fact, the value we place on our sanity is truly terrifying.

Just as we would never ignore a wound that gets infected or that keeps bleeding, continuous and sharp stomach aches or strong headaches, we cannot ignore the psychological pain.


We must give our emotional wounds the importance they deserve, because psychological discomfort requires treatment, work, and support essential for healing.



In other words, we cannot be satisfied with thinking that time will heal our wounds, because in this way, we run the risk that the opposite will happen, that our wounds open even more, that the infections spread and that let our problems get bogged down.

If only we could choose not to have any problems, to enjoy every moment and to always be well… however, there is no escaping it, and of course, no one is safe from harm.

We must understand this, and learn to take care of ourselves as we deserve, and not to set our minds on an internal social dialogue that demerits and underestimates our emotions as well as the problems we have to deal with. face.





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