Giving Up Can Be A Courageous, Not Cowardly Act

Giving up can be a courageous, not cowardly act

Sometimes giving up isn’t cowardly, it’s courageous. Tell yourself that giving up does not always refer to a lack of courage, on the contrary: giving up can be proof of courage, prudence and emotional intelligence. More so, in certain circumstances of life it takes more courage to end something rather than to continue.

Stopping resistance can be a good solution and sometimes it is the only way out. And no, that doesn’t mean that one submits to something or someone, or even that one is weak, as the dictionary says. However, giving in in the face of adversity, generally, is a fact judged by others as a negative act which reflects on us the image of a weak person, not to say cowardly.

Almost by inertia, many are those who qualify, label and confuse these attitudes which could explain the same behavior. This is the case with cowardice and prudence; each of these two attitudes could explain why a person abandons a project. However, if we judge this from an outside perspective, it will be easier to explain abandonment by cowardice to avoid cognitive dissonance – a lack of synchrony between what we do and what we do. think – embarrassing for us.

Almost all new situations, responsibilities or changes involve a greater or lesser fear of which we are generally aware. However, there are people who beyond this fear feel that continuing is a bad option for them, and that is why they are not cowardly. In fact, often they are courageous, because for them perhaps it was easier to continue, and it was difficult not to do what others expected.

Coward is the one who lets himself be carried away by fear, the one who does not want to run any risk, the one who listens to his / her inner “me” and who denies it, the one who considers that sadness is the price to be paid. pay to stay in their comfort zone, etc. Coward, however, is not the one who backs down, waits or gives up at some point in their life because they consider it an intelligent response for their well-being.

Sometimes, then, giving up is an act of caution: we would then think about the possible risks of continuing like this, and we would act in this way so as not to suffer more than necessary. Plus, changing when something goes wrong is courageous.

It may be that only change can lead us to throw in the towel and decide to take a different path. This happens because there is only a fine line between giving up and knowing that at some point there is enough: if you have already given everything but are not seeing any results, it is better then to withdraw and start from zero.

You can’t force something that doesn’t work, just as you don’t have the right to force anyone to feel something that they don’t feel and that is not profitable. of trying to achieve something for which we are not naturally or psychologically prepared… Goals, sometimes, come at the wrong time or are impossible: the fact that something does not work is also part of the mystery of life .

If we tried, that we fought, but that we are not aware of the fact that now, there is no point in continuing, why persist? For all these reasons, abandonment is an act of loyal and noble consideration in which the innermost “me” is taken into account.

The energy that is best used is that which we use when we cultivate the art of taking care of ourselves or the people we love most ; on the other hand, the energy we have is limited. So to waste strength unnecessarily and in a bad way is to deprive yourself and your loved ones of some of that energy.

Fighting without even one reason that is worth it is like banging your head against the wall: you make a higher effort and you only regain fragility and fatigue. Despite everything, we lose many other things that we had well and truly within our reach.

Finally, if you find yourself in a situation where continuing to lead a project, be it personal or professional, is no longer possible, perhaps now is the time for you to ask yourself if it would not be better. to let it go. Remember that giving up is not negative, on the contrary: it is always an acceptable and, often, smart option, which greatly moves away from failure.

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