Have You Ever Wanted To Let Go Of Your Past?

Have you ever wanted to let go of your past?

Have you ever felt the need to let go of your past, to pretend today to solve unresolved facts yesterday that have no impact on your present? Do you think that the way you behave at times is not a reflection of who you really are? That’s okay, welcome to the endless game of “save our ego before we save ourselves”.

All of this is closely related to human beings who hide a curious fragility. Our emotional memory, lodged in the area of ​​the tonsils, plays tricks on us. We wish to be at peace with the past, to bring to light truths that we have never dared to say, to become one with our personality which one day perhaps was masked.

We do not assume the fact that behind certain circumstances and at certain times, this reaction was ours. It is important to live with it, instead of trying to cover it up. You don’t have to let go of your past to get back afloat in the present. You must keep moving forward with this burden.

It could act like cork and allow you to resurface through the learning gained from this action, or it could contain countless stones threatening to sink you. Stones so heavy that they would hide behind the conditional “I should have” or “I would have liked”.

Don’t try to sort anything out, you will get stuck in the process

It is better not to try to unravel the cobwebs of our past. Anyone who is not a “life official” but takes risks without any insurance, will have 365 days in the year to make a mistake and as many days to learn. Sometimes you won’t learn but you will limit yourself to the finite pleasure of life.

Anytime you try to pull a thread to uncover something connected with your past, you will only succeed in creating a tangle of ideas in your head or undoing everything that was previously linked. There are wires that connect, and others that just wind up and undo everything that was previously designed. It is best to pick up the needles and continue weaving.

 If you try to get out of a dug precipice, you will burrow into the bottom of the earth. If you try to unravel a spider’s web you will get stuck there, without ever being able to remove the traces of the beginning of the story of your life. There are no starting points or questions without resolutions, everything is a continuity. Everything you want to “save from the past will be lost in your present and your future  ” ”.

Imagine yourself digging and digging in an attempt to get out of the precipice. Each time you try to find new answers about your past, you sink deeper into it. Then ask yourself the question, is this hoe the tool you need to reach the surface again or should you let go and grab other tools?

We will never know because we have never been able to face the challenges with the serenity that we now have. It must be remembered that due to having been continuously confronted with difficulties, we have succeeded in relativizing and facing situations for which calm is required. This is how we got the point of view that we now take.

In some cases, you are looking for a why; and in others, you seek to take shelter, to protect yourself

In our personal building process, we sometimes need to answer certain “Why’s”. On the other hand, in most cases we seek to protect ourselves. The difference is based on two important points:

  • If we need to answer questions to get back something of value that we have lost and want to find, we seek remedial explanations. We are looking to clear things up to improve our present.
  • If you need to talk about a past event to justify yourself, improve your image, or harm someone who has hurt you, you need to protect your ego. You are using your time and you are building absolutely NOTHING.

For all of this, you don’t need any of your past, or dig deeper into it, to find answers to questions whose time is already up. You are in this place and now. Stop digging and take tools to plant seeds, collect soil and water carefully and daily the flowers in your garden, and not to dig and keep digging. Finding answers about your past to save your ego can make your present difficulties worse. Stop in time, get out of your garden before each shovelful buries you a little more.

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