I Have The Impression That Something Is Wrong With Me: What Can I Do?

I have the impression that something is wrong with me: what can I do?

“  My relationships are often traumatic. I worry about everything. Many things that I myself proposed to fail. I am often disappointed, it is difficult for me to be happy… The truth is that I have the impression that there is something wrong with me . A lot of people have this feeling, this existential perception that feeds unease without really knowing what is causing it.

This is a  totum revolutum  in which it is quite difficult to separate some things from others. Only negativity and the perception of ineffectiveness inhabit the mind. All this is channeled moreover by an internal dialogue which never stops and which repeats this message at all times. Is this the prelude to depression? Is there something really wrong with me? What should I do?

Few inner experiences are more crippling and otherwise require our attention A nalyson s that.

The inner critic is a voracious enemy who crumbles the foundations of our psychological strength. Behind the feeling of ineffectiveness and low self-esteem often hides a severe and authoritarian education, emotional relationships that are also traumatic …

don't go to my house

Why do I feel like there is something wrong with me?

Whatever cause is behind this idea, there are strategies to help you feel better. There are approaches that can allow us to develop a more compassionate mindset with ourselves to improve self-efficacy and self-esteem. However, we have to start giving space to this thought, to this feeling that “there is something in me”.

Far from putting it aside, the ideal is to explore this reasoning, to know what it is made of to act best. There is no point in suppressing or displacing negativity when it is reflected in such concrete self-assessment. Thinking that there is something wrong with you can be a result of a variety of causes that should be understood. Let’s analyze them.

Low self-esteem, the psychological lens that changes everything

Low self-esteem is a filter that blurs values, destroys personal security, and dispels feelings of self-efficacy. Nothing sprouts in the mind without self-confidence, if we perceive it inferiorly and criticism invalidates it. Studies, such as those conducted at the University of California, indicate that  there is a direct link between low self-esteem and mood disorders.

There is a fine line between this psychological dimension and anxiety disorders and depression. Thinking or constantly telling yourself “something is wrong with me” may reflect one of these conditions.

Psychological trauma and biased self-perception

Psychological trauma completely distorts the way we see ourselves. The perception we have of ourselves is not only negative, but also crippling. So when we talk about trauma, these experiences can result from childhood abuse or abandonment of abuse or abandonment, the loss of a loved one, of having been the victim of assault, etc.

Living a relationship with a narcissistic personality leaves also of sequelae. These years of manipulation, humiliation and wear lead many people to say “that there’s something wrong with me” for it me or happened. Q omething wrong with m in head after living this experience …

Loneliness and feeling that there is something wrong with me

You can have a lot of people around you and feel lonely. Sometimes, neither friends nor family perceive each other as close, nurture us, or validate us. So that it reinforces the discomfort, the discouragement, the sadness …

We believe that there is something wrong with us when we do not have meaningful social connections. When the reality is we still can’t find anyone who knows how to truly be, who knows how to love and respect.

What can I do to see myself better?

When I think there is something wrong with me, then I just don’t like some of my realities. Maybe I lack self-esteem. That I should heal yesterday’s wounds and give them new opportunities. It is possible that I treat myself too harshly… It is then always advisable to consult good professionals to undertake a journey of growth, perhaps to detect signs of depression or anxiety.

Either way, there are a number of things to consider.

Connect with that ‘bad’ part of you and ask yourself what you need

Get in touch with that something that you think is wrong with you. Connect with these emotions and let them go. P llow you to understand what this feeling is due. Look for the causes, try to understand and listen to your needs.

Make friends with your internal dialogue

You judge yourself for a long time, you treat badly, you neglect… It is time to work on a more compassionate and benevolent internal dialogue. A voice that appreciates you and tells you every day that it believes in you. You are better than you think, but your self-talk crushes and confuses you, nullifying all potential. Disable it.

don't go to my house

Counter those thoughts of shame and negativity

I’m ashamed of who I am when I think something is wrong with me. I don’t love myself, I hide, I inhibit myself… All these ideas and emotions must be thwarted by others more constructive and friendly. These are irrational patterns that we have to deal with.

I have to remember what my virtues are when I think there is something wrong with me

There are faults in us, but also virtues . Your personality has weak points, but also potential. Focusing only on losses, failures, mistakes, disappointments and gray areas in life only brings you pain. It is like tying an anchor to your feet to stop moving forward on the path of life. It is not logical, let alone healthy.

It is necessary to train the mental concentration to remember that we are also capable of generating changes. We must keep in mind that there are resources within us that we can learn and develop. Resources that will allow us to improve our self-efficacy and strengthen this complicity with ourselves to be our allies and not our enemies.

There is nothing wrong with us , there are only difficult times that we can overcome with determination and self-confidence.

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