Identity Crisis: When I Doubt Myself

Identity crisis: when I doubt myself

Since we were little, we have forged our identity. Sometimes we get carried away by the strong personalities of others, until we manage to discover our own identity.

A unique identity that we will positively nurture until the end of our days.

But what happens when we don’t quite know who we really are?

Doubts come over us, we don’t feel confident and we start to feel that we exist without existing. A series of thoughts that lead us to a terrifying void and loneliness.

Some of the existential questions that we tackle during the time when we doubt our own identity and with which we feel doubts and confusions are: Who am I? What am I doing in my life? Where am I heading?


Am I suffering from an identity crisis?

Throughout our life, we go through various crises. However, this does not mean that they are negative, quite the contrary.

There are certain ages at which it is difficult to escape these times of crisis:

– The stage of adolescence: a complicated stage where each person becomes an adult. During this period, several identity crises occur as each of us searches for our own self.

We slide over everything and everyone, we speak badly, we let ourselves be carried away by friends, etc. It all comes down to the search for who we really are.

– At 40: an age where we have already had several experiences. We are getting bigger and we want to recover this youth that is behind us.

We often experience a crisis in which we do not know why we are acting one way rather than another.

During these two critical stages of life, we feel lost, empty, without expectations and disoriented.

These are two stages during which this crisis is necessary to reaffirm ourselves as such. 

During these two stages, we regain emotional instability. When this happens during the teenage years, it is something quite acceptable.

But what happens at 40? We act as if we were young people, with the desire to experience life, we are lost …

These times of crisis should not scare us, even if they are feared. Sometimes they are necessary to continue to build our own selves and our own identities. 

It can be difficult and unstable times that can last for a while. But, when they end, we are reborn with a much stronger identity.


A necessary step for the construction of the self

As we have said, crises are necessary to continue to build our own identity. 

It is a time of change that brings about a rebellion that can manifest itself in different forms, if we do not prepare to face it.

The mood swings, the great emotional instability that we suffer from is what betrays us. 

This transient period of instability and disorganization can appear not only at the stages we have discussed but also at other times in life. For example, following the death of a loved one, the loss of a job or a divorce.

These situations we live in prompt us to look at ourselves and find out how to best confront ourselves.

These are moments that are beyond us and we do not know how to react to them.

These are critical but necessary moments that will help us build a much stronger identity.


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