Life Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect To Be Wonderful

Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful

We are used to being very demanding with life and with ourselves. We set ourselves rules, goals and multiple dreams to accomplish. Of course, all of this is good, and even necessary.

We all have short and long term plans, which make us proud of ourselves, and through which we will acquire personal skills and competences.

 Those who set high goals now run the risk of not reveling in daily triumphs, and missing out on more humble pleasures that only simple people can enjoy, such as tenderness, friendship and tranquility.

Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful. We know it’s something easy to say, but… Are you one of the people who does? Or are you stuck in your relentlessness to be perfect?

Don’t worry, in this article we are going to invite you to think about it.

In search of everyday perfection


Being demanding and striving for perfection in everything we do is often the flip side.

The requirement makes us develop multiple capacities, but the one  who applies a strong requirement rarely feels satisfied.

In reality, perfection is nothing more than a chimera, an intangible aspiration. There are no perfect lives and no lives without ups and downs. Existence is a carousel of intense emotions where the goal is to learn every thing in life.

Sometimes we listen to our loved ones or those around us complaining in lamentations because “all the misery in the world is happening to me”, “others succeed in everything while I always take the wrong path”…

These kinds of verbalizations and thoughts have always existed and will always exist. Now, before falling into this type of behavior, we should take into account the following aspects:

  • Happiness is not found in perfection. No one is born with guaranteed absolute happiness just because they are rich, beautiful or healthy.
  • Life is measured in moments and most importantly, the ability to be open to reality, to opportunity, to the magic of the simple details around us and to optimism.
  • Who aspires to a perfect life reaches the heights to try to reach the universe, while every day he loses the wonders that unfold at his feet.
  • Whoever lives in the extreme demand of himself and who wants a perfect life also leads others towards this unattainable goal. 
  • The person who aspires to have a perfect life sets the bar so high for those around him that he often ends up causing great misfortune around him.

Life is wonderful for those who let themselves be carried away and who know how to appreciate it


And you… do you know how to appreciate all the wonders that surround you on a daily basis?

Sometimes this is difficult for us because of the haste, the worry, and that little inner voice that keeps us from seeing the magic of life.

Life is not perfect and it does not always give us what we want. But sometimes she is able to give us what we deserve: genuine love, the warmth of her own, and the admiration of those who truly love you.

Not everyone is able to discover or appreciate the most authentic essence of everyday life:

  • This light that appears every morning for everyone.
  • The hubbub of a family, yours, getting up to have breakfast with you, in harmony and calm.
  • An accomplice hand that caresses you.
  • The mischievous smile of a child.
  • A metro that is late and allows you to read more pages of your book.
  • Good health that allows you to come and go, to run, to sleep, to swim, to love … 
  • A nap on the sofa with your favorite animal.
  • The smell of wet earth after the storm.
  • The fragile twilight on a quiet beach.

Life is moments that are part of everyday life with subtle serenity.

It’s a clean language that has its own rhythm and that not everyone knows how to appreciate, because some people go against the grain, with too much haste, with out of tune hearts and tangled minds.


Life is wonderful and doesn’t have to be perfect, for what is perfect lacks mistakes and therefore no learning.

Existence is sometimes a hard mistress, and this is where its greatness lies, but also its madness, its chaos and its pleasures.

Images by Pascal Campion, Nancy Zhang

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