Life Is What Happens While We Make Other Plans

Life is what happens as we make other plans

When I truly loved myself, I realized that, under any circumstance, I was in the right place, at the right time and at the right time, and therefore I was able to relax.
Today I know it has a name … Self-Esteem

When I truly loved myself, I could perceive that my anguish and emotional pain was nothing more than a sign that I was acting against my own truths.
Today, I know it’s … Authenticity

When I truly loved myself, I stopped wanting my life to be different, and started accepting whatever happens and whatever contributes to my own development.
Today it is called… Maturity

When I truly loved myself, I began to realize that it is offensive to try to force a situation or a person, only to achieve what I desire, even knowing that now is not the time or that the person is not ready, including myself.
Today I know this is … Respect

When I truly loved myself, I started to let go of everything that wasn’t healthy: people, situations, and whatever was pulling me down. At first my reason called this attitude selfishness.
Today it is called … Self – love

When I really loved myself, I stopped fearing free time and gave up making big plans for the future. Today, I do what feels right to me, what I want, when I want, and at my own pace.
Today, I know it’s … Simplicity and Sobriety

When I really loved myself, I stopped always wanting to be right, and so I was less often wrong.
Today, I discovered that it is … Humility

When I truly loved myself, I gave up reliving the past and worrying about the future. Now I stay in the present, the place where life happens.
Today, I live one day at a time. And it’s called … Fullness

When I truly loved myself, I realized that my mind could torment and disappoint me. But when I put him at the service of my heart, he has a great and precious ally.
All this is… knowing how to live

Charlie Chaplin


Your strengths are greater than your doubts and your job is to experience life in order to be aware of the difficulty of sustaining this without understanding the importance of these values.

Don’t kid yourself, because you don’t already have the need to have the latest product to hit the market, take the costliest trip, have a resounding success, or get the perfect body with a scalpel.

John Lennon said that “ life is what happens when we make other plans” , as if there is no time limit. 

We wake up every day as if we have eternity to understand how we can fulfill ourselves as a person and take one step closer to our goals.

We forget that the fleetingness of the sand that descends into the hourglass is our possibility of continuing to climb the mountain. We also forget that for the moment this is the only life we ​​can be sure we can share.

You can stop to think that maybe something is missing, and you can reflect  on values ​​that you have not yet understood, if you care so much about doing what society means most important.

We live in a world that does not allow us to realize that day after day the sun is setting very early.

We are so busy dreaming and planning for the future that we spend the present time wrapping up those dreams we think will someday come true and sending them to an unknown destination.

We postpone our lives to a better time, when we will be successful in achieving our goals. And, with that, we forget that our clock does not know the world beyond the 24 hours that it knows how to mark.

We have forgotten that to live is to understand that time flies by and that life gives us the opportunity to appreciate the little things that allow us to truly love ourselves.

Living is precisely knowing how to recognize and appreciate the paths that give us clues to understand that our soul mate is in us and that it makes little sense to look elsewhere for the most important thing that life gives us.

While you are disrupting your world to make all of this happen, remember to keep in mind that “ human happiness does not usually come with the blows of fate, which can happen very rarely. , but with the little things that happen every day ”. Benjamin franklin

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