Saying Goodbye To Someone Who Made The Courageous Decision To Leave

Say goodbye to someone who made the courageous decision to leave

In the face of the death of someone you love, words go empty.

In a period of anguish, they end up making their way into the shell, but nothing that is said succeeds in giving shape to this void which deforms from the inside.

You also know that a garden of colors that bloomed in you has died and that there will never be that person to sow it again.

These are the loved ones: the flowering gardens that give life to your life, rain in the most arid part, color in gray afternoons, shade when the sun is scorching.

Sometimes we forget that no garden blooms forever, and that there will inevitably be a stubborn winter that will force you to say goodbye to it.

Until recently, Death was a strange visitor who presented itself without warning. Today is different.

Science is able to keep you alive, even if you are nothing more than a body without consciousness, which breathes and whose heart is still beating. Science also allows us to prolong pain without the hope of relief.

In return, it is also possible to decide the day, the hour and the way to die, to dive into the place that science cannot name.

Euthanasia is a way of planning death that may seem less difficult to us and without this feeling of uncontrollability.

Leaving without knowing how to say goodbye …

We have all been condemned to death since we are born. But not knowing when we will be leaving opens up a range of uncertainties, both encouraging and terrifying.

Conversely, when death takes the form of a certain hour and day, the clock moves at the same rate as the anguish.

One more minute is one minute less. So each shared lived experience becomes a way of saying goodbye.


Euthanasia is one of those borderline situations in life that confront us with a painful paradox : love, on the one hand, which wants to respect the will of the other and must be ready to say goodbye, with gratitude from the heart.

Love too, which becomes a little desperate when he imagines how the world will be without this person, what it will be like to seek them and not find them, except in the dry traces of our own tears.

No one says goodbye to life without sadness. No one makes the decision to perform euthanasia without having spent many waking evenings, looking for solutions that never come.

The physical and emotional pain has to hit rock bottom.

The decision appears when we know that as soon as the border is crossed, we will no longer be able to be the same person, because suffering will invade every corner of what we have left of time and that there is no place for it. individual freedom. At this point, dying becomes an exit to the labyrinth.

“I am going to leave. And the birds will sing ”…

It is not easy to understand and accept the decision of someone who has decided to die.

You refuse to say goodbye not only to the loved one, but also to the idea that the human being can take control of their destiny, defining when life must end.

It is difficult for you to admit these truths, because you know that with this person who leaves, a form of happiness will die too.

Saying goodbye is therefore the beginning of an uncertain journey which leads you everywhere and nowhere at the same time.


Every time you see this person, you have panic attacks.

You realize that she is present right now but that in a week you will never see her again.

Ve are her last smiles, the last words you’ll share with her, and there would never be more.

And you cry inside, so that the brave person you have in front of you won’t see or feel your tears, because you have to say goodbye to one person and they have to say goodbye to lots of people.

You want to hug that person and never let go, yet you know you have to let them go.

The anxiety increases when you realize that this person will die, but that your love for them will not die.

He will survive and turn into a silent moan, when you think about his absence, when you will miss his laughter, want to ask him if he knew this or that, or that you need to feel his kindness instead of. this cold that will invade you.

You understand that you are going to have to say goodbye several times, and even after she is gone.

After this first moment of pain has passed , you will come back to this uninhabited garden and you will see, with surprise, that the flowers are gone, but not their scents.

And not the echo of birdsong either, which today is music that protects your heart.

Then you will understand that there are seeds which give an eternal harvest and you will say: ““


PERSONAL NOTE: Have a nice trip, my dear friend …

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