Seitai, The Culture Of Harmony And Health

Seitai, the culture of harmony and health

Seitai is movement, it is vital harmony and it is health. Here we have a bodily practice that has its roots in a type of traditional Japanese culture created at the time by therapist Haruchika Noguchi. Talking about Seitai is above all talking about the art of spontaneous movement, about what is capable of regenerating us, relieving tensions, giving us sensational vigor.

It is quite possible that the term “Seitai” may be something completely new to many of us. You may also be thinking to yourself that it must be some sort of yoga, tai chi, or even mindfulness-like practice. But it is not in this line. In fact, we are not faced with a type of discipline where every movement is programmed, where there is a type of basic strategies that seek a therapeutic end.

Seitai is not a therapy or meditation technique or a spiritual discipline. In fact, it is something better and perhaps more ambitious. Seitai is a type of culture that guides us towards a simpler way of life, where we can have intense confidence in life and where we are also able to promote our physical and mental health.

undergrowth landscape

Seitai or the importance of healthy movement

Movement is life, we all know that. However, sometimes we feel confused, sometimes we perform other types of movements and what they really do is decrease health, inner balance, and well-being. In “ Alice through the Looking Glass ”, for example, we find a metaphor that perfectly defines our current society. When Alice arrives in the land of the Red Queen, she discovers that its inhabitants have to run to stay in one place. If they want to reach a specific place, they have to run “faster”.

This is what we do, we run faster every day because our world is more and more demanding. However, this type of posturing goes against our own body. Sometimes even the mind goes faster than life and the body is slower than our desires, because we oxidize ourselves, because the tension and the stress bind us, because the pain appears, the fatigue and we do not seek further away…

We are conditioned by society, there is no doubt, and this is what the Seitai reminds us of. Therefore, we propose to start another type of movement, regenerative, vital and spontaneous movement where every part of our being (physical, psychic and energy) finds its harmony.

moving woman

Advantages of Seitai

As we have stated, Seitai is a form of culture. In turn, the Katsugen Undo is the core practice that defines it. He invites us to something that we are not so used to: to move freely and according to our needs. Also, when someone first enters a Katsugen Undo class, they find themselves with a special group of people moving around at will, performing free stretching, dancing with their eyes closed, lying on the floor. ground or are looking for a specific position their mind wants.

In this way, we can already get an idea of ​​the cathartic level of this type of free, vital and regenerative exercises. Their advantages are remarkable:

  • They resolve and prevent back pain. This type of practice promotes correct spinal alignment and flexibility.
  • They relieve us of concerns and tensions. Stress is considerably reduced and we manage it much better on a daily basis.
  • Our positive emotions are awakening. We feel more animated, freer, more receptive and open to the experience.
  • They improve self-confidence.
  • They improve our digestive health and strengthen the immune system.

The seitai, the practice of infinite movements

The seitai is the practice of infinite movements, where each of us can express himself in his own way, move as he pleases like trapeze artists in the air enjoying their freedom. However, there is one aspect that we must consider: Katsugen Undo places special interest on our spine.

The movements are free, but they must keep an adequate harmony to take care of this spinal axis which in turn must be accompanied by adequate deep breathing. Let’s see some basic exercises:

  • Look up and stand on your tiptoes. Relax, take a deep breath.
  • Bring your shoulders forward for a few seconds, then return to the original position. Repeat this movement while walking in a relaxed manner.
  • Turn your waistline, left and right, keeping your back straight. Support this movement with the arms so that the exercise is more harmonious.
  • Move your abdomen, your pelvis, your belly, exercise this zone by moving slowly, without exerting tension, but by promoting the flexibility, the freedom, the dynamism of your body …

In conclusion, the most interesting thing about seitai is that it encourages us to remember that there is another kind of culture, one that goes at a different pace, one that moves according to our most basic needs. Consider that this approach does not cost anything, and that it does not cost us more to perform one of the exercises proposed by Katsugen Undo.

Listen to your body, trust it and find harmony with the movements it dictates.


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