Some Quotes From Stephen King That Will Inspire You

Some quotes from Stephen King that will inspire you

Stephen King is one of the most prolific authors still alive today. For almost thirty years, he has created a literary world rich in characters, stories and other emotions.

If her literature is based on psychological terror, she also offers us certain phrases that can inspire us. Read the rest of this article, and you will discover some of them:


Usually the scariest moment is before the action.

How many times have you been overcome with fear just thinking about what to do? Whether it’s a declaration of love, a parachute jump or even a plane ride, the preceding moment is always full of adrenaline and sensations.

It is undeniable that action generates in us a whole series of contradictory emotions. The important thing is to get started and avoid fear paralyzing us.

From the moment you take the plunge and do everything you can to achieve your dreams, you will inevitably feel fear.

However, you must keep up the momentum and not stop!

Fiction is the truth in the lie

This is an excellent quote from Stephen King who tells us about the value of fiction. Generally, we think that fiction is just a series of stories. However, more often than not, these stories are more about life than anything else.

Think about it, and you’ll find that the messages we hide in our stories tell our deepest truths,  even those you wouldn’t dare tell anyone.

You can, you must, and you’re brave enough to get started

If you think that in order to be successful you just have to start, you are wrong. It should not limit you, but rather push you to take action. For this you must arm yourself with courage.

Once you get started, moving forward and going through obstacles is just one step. Take on one challenge at a time.

Monsters are real, and so are fantasies. They live in us and sometimes they win

Stephen King is an expert on the subject. Throughout his life he had to deal with various issues which allowed him to create a wonderful world in his books.

How many times have the voices in your mind prevented you from doing what you wanted?  Listening to the voice that tells you that you can’t make it, that you are not as good as you thought you were, or that you will fail, you paralyze yourself.

Don’t let negative internal dialogue dominate you. Only you can defeat the monsters that lie in wait for you.


Optimism is a perfectly legitimate response to failure

Failure is a very complicated concept. Although it is generally seen as a problem, it opens the door to various possibilities.

The only person who can determine whether or not it is failure and how far it can cripple you is yourself.

You have the option to view failure as the most negative thing that can happen to you, or to view it with maximum optimism. If you choose this second option, you will be more likely to achieve success.

Novices feel and wait for inspiration, others get up and go to work

Although we can’t say that Stephen King has a more conventional job, it’s not easy for anyone to get up in the morning and do everything they can to live their best.


You can’t complain by sitting around waiting  for the urge to take action.


Can you imagine how many people have great ideas for starting businesses, writing books, or doing any kind of business?

Ultimately, all of these ideas are nothing if you don’t take action to make them happen.

There is never a perfect moment …

We imagine fictitious mistakes to fight against those we really made

Fiction allows us to escape. By reading, we believe we can escape the challenges that life imposes on us.

You can write, paint, dance, or do any other activity that clears your mind and clears your mind. These activities will help you deal with painful events in your life.

Through these words, Stephen King gives us great lessons in life. If you haven’t read any work of this literary genius, then it seems the time to do so has come.

You will see that you will find inspiring phrases there, and that his books can take you into a world without equal.

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