Thanks For Being My Constant In A World Full Of Variables

Thank you for being my constant in a world full of variables

Thank you for being my constant in a world full of variables. To multiply my joys and divide my sorrows until they almost disappear, only with your friendship. To be one of those people who leaves a hard-to-erase trail.

Thanks for keeping the same value even if everything else changes. To stay by my side in the universe of possibilities, without the odds of something going wrong preventing you from remaining my constant. Because your value does not decrease, despite the passage of time.

Perhaps what struck me the most was that you are my strength, one more year, and many years have passed. I just want to thank you for reminding me of the joy and innocence of the beginnings. To see myself as a fighter and an example when all I see is an accumulation of fears.

Thank you for your friendship and for everything that never ends to unite us despite the distance and the fact that we miss each other. Thank you for being my prime number when others try to make me disappear; when you don’t let zero, the king of my fears, use his power over me.

Thank you for being my inspiration and my breath

Thank you for being my inspiration and my inspiration, whatever step I decide to take forward. So even if I’m wrong, I take it easy because I know you will never walk away from me. I like it when you understand that mistakes can be corrected and that we shouldn’t let them take us away.


Our lives have crossed and even if now they are moving in parallel, if our coordinate axis is correct, we can find ourselves on our way. We may be closer with a linear transformation, adding what unites us and multiplying what brings us together.

Thank you for teaching me that two people are one world and one person is half of themselves,  this smashes maths against this reality. Because the reality of a friendship in the making can only be understood and explained by those who make it up.

I like to have constant support that not even the magnitude of time can change. Our union is like the harmonic mean that physics desires and which cannot always agree. Thank you for understanding this attractive force which has united us in difficulty and which is now constant in the midst of difficulties.

The constant in our life is the bond of friendship

The constant in our life is the bond of friendship. In a constantly changing world, counting on constant support like yours is priceless, and there are no obstacles that can make us doubt this connection. This same bond that I started with a simple coincidence, as if the chance that runs a dice game always makes them come out double so that we can win.

Thank you for reminding me that everything arrives at its destination and that only the one who goes beyond his strength is able to touch the border that his limits mark. To teach me that everything can change, work, home or city, but beyond these variations the rope that unites us remains strong. Because  our friendship has no limits, it is constant despite all the variables we may encounter.


And, most importantly,  thanks for updating my best version every day,  for giving me a hand with the parts that I needed to redo and that, on my own, I would have only turned on. I think I am better because of everything you give me, thanks to the advice you give me. I’m better because you listen to me and then you let go of this truth with enough harshness that I react and with less sharpness than the one that could hurt me.

But I’m better, above all, because  you taught me that the selfishness of walking alone keeps you from sharing. Thus, I understood that the triumphs that are told are not celebrated in the same way as those in which others have had a dip from the start. I think, thanks to you, I learned that our story is more precious than mine.

Remember the difference between wanting and being able is believing. That doubts about the path of life are normal. I want you to remember, especially when you feel that you are starting to lack strength, that  you can count on me to carry for a moment those dreams that you cannot let go. I’ll be there, to do this for you, the same way you always did for me.

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