The 6 Best Books To Understand Introverted Personality

The 6 best books to understand the introverted personality

Books about introverted personality are a great way to dispel a number of false myths associated with this profile. For example, it is wrong to say that these people hate to interact, that they are all shy and that they use silence as a shield. Our society has long valued extroverted characteristics, so it is necessary to delve a little deeper into this topic.

A mistake we often make is seeing these two personality types as opposing entities. The reality is, and this is important to remember,  we all operate on a continuum where we can show both extroverted and introverted behaviors depending on the context and situation. However, we will always tend to lean more for one style or another.

Therefore, we need to clarify now that much of the data inherent in the subject corresponds more to “pop psychology” than to more scientific and rigorous psychology . Much time has passed since Carl Jung coined the terms “introversion – extroversion” in his book Psychological Types.  Indeed, this rebirth and this interest in the introverted personality only returned to the agenda for a short time, only in 2000.

It was around this time that neuropsychological research began to attempt to explain how the brain of an introvert processed information. This is also the golden period in which books such as  The Power of the Quiet: The Power of Introverts in an Overly Talkative World by Susan Cain were published and from which, gradually, an authentic science of the introverted personality began. to take shape.

We must point out that even today unreliable data is interspersed with the most rigorous work. We would like to point out because it is very easy to find the classic articles infantilizing the introverted profile, as if the latter had exceptional and magical virtues. In reality, introverts, like extroverts, struggle with their limitations, strive to get to know each other better with their best and worst accomplishments, and learn strategies they put in place to fully develop their potential.

It is possible to reach these last dimensions through the books and the rigorous and precise publications that we present to you in the rest of this article.

introverted personality

The best books to understand the introverted personality

Almost without realizing it,  our most classic literature has always used unforgettable, highly introverted protagonists . We find for example the marvelous Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, or the portrait painted by F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Magnificent Gatsby , Anne Elliot from the novel Persuasion by Jane Austen, or these rich characters masterfully described by Virgina Woolf in The Waves .

All of them fascinated us and offered us great lessons on surpassing oneself, even as they struggled in such complex psychological worlds that often took them away from society itself. This last sensation, that of feeling misunderstood, is what characterizes the introverted personality the most.

It is also the starting point of many books written by psychologists and specialized journalists to explain the reason for this sensation, and how to use the values ​​associated with this profile to succeed. Now  let’s see which books will help us better understand the introverted personality.

1. The power of the discreet: the power of introverts in a too talkative world , Susan Cain

One interesting thing that Susan Cain reminds us of is that introversion and extroversion do not correspond to two opposing poles but are two dimensions that can manifest in us in very diverse ways. However, we need to find that sweet spot where we feel the best in order to be able to develop, grow psychologically and emotionally.

The Strength of the Quiet: The Power of Introverts in an Overly Talkative World is an inspiring book that marked a beginning and wanted to dispel a number of misconceptions, such as that introverts demonstrate social incompetence or that this personality type. can rarely take on power functions so as not to have the characteristics that define a leader.

2. The gift of sensitivity , Elaine Aron

Within the framework of the space offered to us through this blog, we have already spoken a few times about this book, The gift of sensitivity . It is estimated  that 60-70% of introverts have high sensitivity. So, despite the fact that not all introverts are highly sensitive, this book collects strategies, approaches and theories that help us better understand this personality style.

3. The power of introverts: your strength lies in your inner life e, Laurie Helgoe

Laurie Helgoe is a psychologist well known for having published multiple works on the introverted personality. In The Power of Introverts , for example, she tells us how to harness this inner strength, how to channel this energy  through loneliness and reflection to develop our maximum potential to build better personal and professional relationships.

This is a practical book where we are further told why society has always been more oriented towards extroverted characteristics, and how we can start to change this approach.

His book is sensational for a very simple reason: it offers Mindfulness techniques applied to the introverted personality. At the same time, he seeks to enhance these natural abilities such as the power of observation, creativity and introspection in order to be successful, in order to transform these innate talents into useful tools in everyday life.

5. Introverted and happy , Marti Olsen Laney

Dr Marti Olsen Laney is one of the best known authors for providing the general public with relevant and interesting studies on the introverted personality. Thus, among its many publications, the latter must be highlighted because it offers us various strategies:

  • How to improve self-confidence in scenarios dominated by outgoing personalities.
  • How to survive in places where noise and hyper-stimulation predominate.
  • How to deal with those situations where  introverts feel the energy is  eluding them, such as business meetings, parties, public events …
introverted personality

6. How to help your child interact with the world , Marti Olsen Laney

We again quote Dr. Olsen Laney to end our list with an important question:  How can we help our introverted child? We often see a child introverted in school or in a public park, disconnected from others and isolated in their own world. There is nothing wrong with it. However, providing him with strategies from an early age will lead him to know himself better and make the most of his talents.

This book is ideal for moms and dads but also for educators. A simple guide to improving their family and social dynamics, both very interesting and above all very useful.

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