The Danger Of Telling A Teenager That Anything Can Work For Him

The danger of telling a teenager that anything can work for him

Many parents tell their teenage children that they will be able to achieve whatever they want. All parents should encourage their children to be guided by what appeals to them and not to feel limited by society’s view of the capacities available to them. However, this kind of attitude so positive and apparently motivating can present certain disadvantages, to say the least, unexpected.

First of all, nothing assures us that it is possible to achieve absolutely all the goals that we set for ourselves, or at least if it is possible, what is certain is that the path of sacrifices to It is so long to walk that the teenager should also be aware of what to expect. Maybe he fuels the dream of becoming a great sportsman because he would like to earn so much money and be as famous as high performance sportsmen are, but maybe also he is not really attracted to the sport or even to the life of sacrifices that it requires.

It is important to consider that luck and chance also play a very important role: our body is relatively fragile, and if we ask too much of it, the lesions will not take long to appear. When the adolescent chooses a path, he must be aware of what this implies.

What’s more, research shows that when we set ourselves high goals, they can turn out to be harmful to us. This is, for example, what leads to unethical behavior such as doping in order to achieve these ambitious goals or what makes us feel like we are sinking into failure if we do not does not reach them.

Telling adolescents that they can do anything without making sure they are fully aware of what they are getting into can be dangerous ; indeed, encouraging them to set high goals without giving them any information or assistance as to how to achieve those goals can give rise to great frustrations which they may not be. not prepared, or quite simply that they do not want to be confronted with.

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On the other hand, it is very difficult for adolescents to know for themselves if their efforts are sufficient. On the other hand, they can also come to think that the fact of wanting to achieve something is already sufficient in itself, or else to consider that the facilities which they have in a particular field will always accompany them naturally.

It is important to be aware that great successes will be difficult to achieve, or even to help them accept that luck plays a key role in life (for good as well as for bad), as well as to explain to them how proceed in order to allow them to be able to move forward in their quest towards the objectives they have set for themselves. Erica Reischer, author of the book What Great Parents Do: 75 simple strategies for raising fantastic kids , suggests using what she calls “the three Ps”.

Rather than telling the teenager that they can do anything, Erica Reisher offers to instill the three Ps: practice, patience and perseverance.

Practice: efforts are fundamental in the development of mastery and the achievement of excellence.

Patience: mastery and great success take time to be established and achieved.

Perseverance: Obstacles are very likely to arise, and setbacks are common to any business.

According to Erica Reisher, you need to make it clear to children that success is defined by long-term effort and progress, not by comparison with others.

It is said that Thomas Edison was once caught by a colleague at his workplace reviewing the tolls of thousands of failed experiments. Edison then said to his friend: “I have tried everything, but my attempts have failed. I just found ten thousand ways to derail my experiments. ” This is a great optimism as well as a great ability to learn from their mistakes.

When your child is helpless and pessimistic and says they can’t do something, rather than show them how to do it so they realize they can do it just as well happen that anyone else, tell them this story. Then tell him that any challenge takes time and effort, and that the more time and effort we devote to the goal we are aiming for, the more we will optimize our chances of achieving it.

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Your child will not be able to go very far unless he is able to face the challenges that day after day will present themselves in his path and if he is able to feel that he is moving forward. Your child doesn’t need answers, but opportunities to learn and to deal with their frustrations.

However, beyond reaching the final goal, what children need is to have fun doing what they do. They can become footballers, but first they have to play lots of games with their friends and just enjoy it. The requirement which is an integral part of the life of high-level professionals must be established very gradually during adolescence.

Before being a teenager, the child must be entertained, and before the demands and frustration arise, the child may dream of being what he wants. He can even change his dreams every day and enjoy what life has to offer. This is a stage of discoveries and for him-her; it’s a way like any other to explore the world with your imagination as well as your own experiences. He thinks that the more he does and the more he knows, the better he can know when the right time is right.

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